Who Cares

~ Release group by Ian Gillan & Tony Iommi

Album + Compilation

IanGillan & TonyIommi: WhoCaresWhoCaresCD18
  • XE2012-07-13
earMUSIC (German label, Edel sub)0207592ERE4029759075929
Who Cares (Remastered)Ian Gillan & Tony Iommi2×CD9 + 9
  • DE2012-07-13
earMUSIC (German label, Edel sub), Edel Records (multinational, ERE suffix)0207592ERE4029759075929
Who CaresIan Gillan & Tony Iommi2×CD9 + 9
  • DE2012-07-13
earMUSIC (German label, Edel sub)SR0792-2, sr0792-24029759075929
WhoCaresIan Gillan & Tony Iommi2×CD9 + 9
  • US2012-07-13
Armoury Records (division of Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd.), earMUSIC (German label, Edel sub)ARM250782826992507828


Wikipedia:en: Ian Gillan & Tony Iommi: WhoCares [info]
Discogs:https://www.discogs.com/master/549709 [info]
lyrics page:https://genius.com/albums/Ian-gillan/Who-cares [info]
other databases:https://rateyourmusic.com/release/comp/ian-gillan-tony-iommi/whocares-1/ [info]
https://www.musik-sammler.de/album/542330/ [info]
Allmusic:https://www.allmusic.com/album/mw0002373289 [info]
Wikidata:Q4041240 [info]

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