Album + Compilatie

UitgaveArtiestType mediumNummersLand/DatumPlatenmaatschappijCatalogus#Streepjescode
You’re the Top: Cole Porter in the 1930sCole Porter3×CD22 + 24 + 23
Sony Music Special Products, BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions), RCA Special ProductsA-22701, A-22702, DMC1-1020099923713623
You’re the Top: Cole Porter in the 1930sCole Porter3×CD22 + 24 + 23
KOCH International ClassicsKIC-CD-7136


hommage aan:Cole Porter (composer)
deel van:Cole Porter Centennial Collection (nummer: Vol. 1) (volgorde: 1)
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