The Famous Piano Sonatas (Moonlight / Pathetique / Waldstein)

~ Release group by Beethoven; Dubravka Tomšič

Album + Compilation

Sonata Op. 27 No. 2 "Moonlight" Sonata / Sonata Op. 13 "Pathétique" / Sonata Op. 53. "Waldstein" / Sonata "Für Elise"Beethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD10
Digital Concerto (cat prefix typically "CCT")CCT 6168712177001033
Berühmte Klavier-Sonaten: Mondschein-Sonate, Pathétique, Waldstein-SonateLudwig van Beethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
  • -1988
PILZ (German budget label)160 203[none]
KlaviersonatenBeethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
Silver ClassicsSC 013
The Famous Piano SonatasBeethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
Best of ClassicsLudwig van BeethovenCD9
T.M.I. Products
Smooth Classics: Romantic MelodiesLudwig van BeethovenCD9
Selected Sound Carrier506.2280-27619929047329
KlaviersonatenBeethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
Musique d'Or10618711211529526
Landscape Classics Series, No. 94Ludwig van BeethovenDigital Media9
Landscape ClassicsLS 8741093
The Famous Piano SonatasLudwig van Beethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9PILZ (German budget label)
Berühmte Klavier-Sonaten: Mondschein-Sonate, Pathétique, Waldstein-SonateBeethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
PILZ (German budget label)CD 160 203, CD 160203036244620322
Moonlight Sonata / Pathetique / Waldstein SonataBeethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
Symphonia Digital Classics5020214402723
Die Berühmten Klaviersonaten / The Famous Piano SonatasLudwig van Beethoven; Dubravka TomšičCD9
Selected Sound Carrier3506.2330-27619929397929

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