The Best of

~ Release group by Ann Breen

Album + Compilation

The Best ofAnn BreenCD16
Music DigitalCD 63984006408063988

CritiqueBrainz Reviews

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Aah once again we return to the wonders of budget label releases, another entry here from Music Digital.

It's getting to the point where I am now seeking out these mediocre releases by the labels alone, to provide you with this service!

Ann Breen is a name I am not familiar with, although I'd consider myself an up-and-coming connisseur of classic country jams. Turns out Ann is one of the many folk of (Northern) Ireland who just really love country music (not folk music, straight up southern USA country). Either way Ann didn't see much in the way of big success like some of her contemporaries that she is covering here on this album, this doesn't mean Ann can't sing though. Ann has a great country voice, and can really belt out some of these heartbreakers - and so I'd highly suggest looking her up if you haven't already, just don't go for this release.

Yes, of course it wouldn't be one of these reviews if there wasn't some issue. The mastering. Whoever mastered this did it on a mid 1990s laptop or are considerably deaf. All of the tracks peak and distort, it's not an issue of the original recording material - it's clearly been amplified a bit too "hot".