Rising Sun (complete)

~ Release by Toru Takemitsu (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


This CD is limited to 1000 copies

Annotation last modified on 2013-10-10 12:13 UTC.


CD 1
1Taiko Drum Opening
Seiichi Tanaka and the San Francisco Taiko Dojo?:??
2Board Metting
Toru Takemitsu?:??
3Drive to Connor's Loft
Toru Takemitsu?:??
4Girl on the Table
Toru Takemitsu?:??
5Web Meets Connor
Toru Takemitsu?:??
6Crime Scene
Toru Takemitsu?:??
7Body Examined
Toru Takemitsu?:??
8Arrival at Apartment
Toru Takemitsu?:??
9Checking out the Apartment
Toru Takemitsu?:??
Toru Takemitsu?:??
11Eddie Revealed on Disc
Toru Takemitsu?:??
12Looking at the Disc
Toru Takemitsu?:??
Toru Takemitsu?:??
14Golf Course
Toru Takemitsu?:??
15So Eddie Witnessed the Murder
Toru Takemitsu?:??
16Yakuza Pursuit
Toru Takemitsu?:??
17Car in Alley
Toru Takemitsu?:??
18Security Room
Toru Takemitsu?:??
19Web's Confession
Toru Takemitsu?:??
20Eddie's Alive
Toru Takemitsu?:??
21The Hall
Toru Takemitsu?:??
22Eddie's Showdown
Toru Takemitsu?:??
23Mystery Figure Revealed
Toru Takemitsu?:??
24Senator Morton Gets Faxed
Toru Takemitsu?:??
Toru Takemitsu?:??
26Nakamoto Steps
Toru Takemitsu?:??
Toru Takemitsu?:??
28Always Leave the Cage Door Open
Toru Takemitsu?:??
Toru Takemitsu?:??
30Source Music
Toru Takemitsu?:??
31Don't Fence Me In
Cole Porter?:??
32Single Petal of a Rose
recording of:
Single Petal of the Rose
Duke Ellington (US composer, pianist & jazz bandleader)
Duke Ellington?:??
33Medley (Credits - Short Version)
Toru Takemitsu?:??
Seiichi Tanaka and the San Francisco Taiko Dojo?:??