# | Title | Artist | Rating | Length |
1 | All People That on Earth Do Dwell | [anonymous] / Ralph Vaughan Williams | | 4:49 |
2 | Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven! | Sir John Goss, Alan Gray | | 2:35 |
3 | The Lord's My Shepherd | Jessie Seymour Irvine, William Baird Ross / David Grant | | 3:06 |
4 | Love Divine, All Loves Excelling | William Penfro Rowlands, James O’Donnell | | 3:22 |
5 | Guide Me, o Thou Great Redeemer | John Hughes / James O’Donnell | | 2:38 |
6 | Rejoice, the Lord Is King! | George Frideric Handel / Robert Quinney | | 2:29 |
7 | Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation | Henry Purcell, Christopher Robinson | | 3:27 |
8 | Love of the Father | Orlando Gibbons / Robert Quinney | | 2:34 |
9 | Drop, Drop, Slow Tears | Orlando Gibbons | | 1:23 |
10 | Thine Be the Glory | George Frideric Handel | | 2:48 |
11 | All My Hope on God Is Founded | Herbert Howells | | 3:26 |
12 | I Bind Unto Myself Today | [anonymous] / Sir Charles Villiers Stanford | | 5:21 |
13 | Dear Lord and Father of Mankind | Sir Hubert Parry, John Scott / Sir David Willcocks | | 3:37 |
14 | O Praise Ye the Lord! | Sir Hubert Parry | | 2:34 |
15 | O Thou Who Camest From Above | Samuel Sebastian Wesley | | 2:38 |
16 | Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence | [anonymous] / Sidney Campbell | | 2:48 |
17 | O Worship the King | William Croft, Alan Gray / Robert Quinney | | 2:21 |
18 | I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say | [traditional] / Ralph Vaughan Williams, Robert Quinney | | 2:37 |
19 | Come Down, o Love Divine | Ralph Vaughan Williams | | 3:13 |
20 | Praise to the Lord, the Almighty | [anonymous] / James O’Donnell | | 3:03 |
21 | Abide With Me | William Henry Monk / Sir David Willcocks | | 4:47 |
22 | And Did Those Feet in Ancient Time | Sir Hubert Parry / Sir George Thalben-Ball | | 3:07 |