Cantatas, Volume 16

~ Release by J.S. Bach; The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir, Ton Koopman (see all versions of this release, 1 available)


CD 1
1Cantata "Ich Habe Genug" BWV 82: I. Aria: "Ich Habe Genug"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-06)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-06)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-06)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-06)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 82 “Ich habe genung”: I. Aria (Bass) “Ich habe genung, ich habe den Heiland” (in 2001-06)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1727)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 82 “Ich habe genung” (for bass)
Johann Sebastian Bach8:05
2Cantata "Ich Habe Genug" BWV 82: II. Recitative: "Ich Habe Genug! Mein Trost Ist Nur Allein"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-06)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-06)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-06)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-06)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 82 "Ich habe genung": II. Recitativo (Bass) "Ich habe genung! Mein Trost ist nur allein" (in 2001-06)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1727)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 82 “Ich habe genung” (for bass)
Johann Sebastian Bach1:06
3Cantata "Ich Habe Genug" BWV 82: III. Aria: "Schlummert Ein, Ihr Matten Augen"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-06)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-06)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-06)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-06)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 82 "Ich habe genung": III. Aria (Bass) "Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen" (in 2001-06)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1727)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 82 “Ich habe genung” (for bass)
Johann Sebastian Bach8:39
4Cantata "Ich Habe Genug" BWV 82: IV. Recitative: "Mein Gott! Wenn Kömmt Das Schöne: Nun!"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-06)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-06)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-06)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-06)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 82 "Ich habe genung": IV. Recitativo (Bass) "Mein Gott! wenn kömmt das schöne: Nun!" (in 2001-06)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1727)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 82 “Ich habe genung” (for bass)
Johann Sebastian Bach0:46
5Cantata "Ich Habe Genug" BWV 82: V. Aria: "Ich Freue Mich Auf Meinen Tod"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-06)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-06)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-06)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-06)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 82 "Ich habe genung": V. Aria (Bass) "Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod" (in 2001-06)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1727)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 82 “Ich habe genung” (for bass)
Johann Sebastian Bach3:28
6Cantata "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende" BWV 27: I. Chorale And Recitative (S, A, T): "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende"
alto vocals:
Annette Markert (mezzo-soprano) (in 2003-02)
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2003-02)
choir vocals:
Amsterdam Baroque Choir (in 2003-02)
soprano vocals:
Johannette Zomer (soprano) (in 2003-02)
tenor vocals:
James Gilchrist (tenor) (in 2003-02)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2003-02)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2003-02)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2003-02)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?": I. Choral e Recitativi (Soprano, Alto, Tenore, Basso) "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?" (in 2003-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Ämilie Juliane von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt (in 1695)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?"
Johann Sebastian Bach4:46
7Cantata "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende" BWV 27: II. Recitative (Tenor): "Mein Leben Hat Kein Ander Ziel"
tenor vocals:
James Gilchrist (tenor) (in 2003-02)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2003-02)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2003-02)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2003-02)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?": II. Recitativo (Tenore) "Mein Leben hat kein ander Ziel" (in 2003-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?"
Johann Sebastian Bach0:45
8Cantata "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende" BWV 27: III. Aria (Alto): "Willkommen! Will Ich Sagen"
alto vocals:
Annette Markert (mezzo-soprano) (in 2003-02)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2003-02)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2003-02)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2003-02)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?": III. Aria (Alto) "Willkommen! will ich sagen" (in 2003-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Erdmann Neumeister
part of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?"
Johann Sebastian Bach4:40
9Cantata "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende" BWV 27: IV. Recitative (Soprano): "Ach, Wer Doch Schon Im Himmel Wär!"
soprano vocals:
Johannette Zomer (soprano) (in 2003-02)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2003-02)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2003-02)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2003-02)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?": IV. Recitativo (Soprano) "Ach, wer doch schon im Himmel wär!" (in 2003-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?"
Johann Sebastian Bach0:53
10Cantata "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende" BWV 27: V. Aria (Bass): "Gute Nacht, Du Weltgetümmel!"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2003-02)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2003-02)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2003-02)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2003-02)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?": V. Aria (Basso) "Gute Nacht, du Weltgetümmel!" (in 2003-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?"
Johann Sebastian Bach3:12
11Cantata "Wer Weiß, Wie Nahe Mir Mein Ende" BWV 27: VI. Chorale: "Welt, Ade! Ich Bin Dein Müde"
choir vocals:
Amsterdam Baroque Choir (in 2003-02)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2003-02)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2003-02)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2003-02)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?": VI. Choral "Welt, ade! ich bin dein müde" (in 2003-02)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Johann Georg Albinus (in 1649)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 350)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 27 "Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende?"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:16
12Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16: I. Chorus: "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir"
choir vocals:
Amsterdam Baroque Choir (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": I. Coro "Herr Gott, dich loben wir" (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Georg Christian Lehms (in 1711)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:33
13Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16: II. Recitative (Bass): "So Stimmen Wir Bei Dieser Frohen Zeit"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": II. Recitativo (Basso) "So stimmen wir bei dieser frohen Zeit" (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Georg Christian Lehms (in 1711)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:14
14Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16: III. Aria (Bass) And Chorus: "Laßt Uns Jauchzen"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-11)
choir vocals:
Amsterdam Baroque Choir (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": III. Aria (Basso) e Coro "Laßt uns jauchzen, lasst uns freuen" (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Georg Christian Lehms (in 1711)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir"
Johann Sebastian Bach3:24
15Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16: IV. Recitative (Alto): "Ach Treuer Hort"
alto vocals:
Bogna Bartosz (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": IV. Recitativo (Alto) "Ach treuer Hort" (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Georg Christian Lehms (in 1711)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir"
Johann Sebastian Bach1:19
16Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16: V. Aria (Tenor): "Geliebter Jesu, Du Allein"
tenor vocals:
Paul Agnew (tenor / conductor) (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": V. Aria (Tenore) "Geliebter Jesu, du allein sollst meiner Seelen Reichtum sein" (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Georg Christian Lehms (in 1711)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir"
Johann Sebastian Bach7:57
17Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16: VI. Chorale: "All Solch Dein Güt Wir Preisen"
choir vocals:
Amsterdam Baroque Choir (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": VI. Choral "All solch dein Güt wir preisen" (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1726)
Paul Eber (in 1580)
part of:
Breitkopf 389 Choralgesänge (number: 125)
part of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir"
Johann Sebastian Bach0:53
18Cantata "Herr Gott, Dich Loben Wir" BWV 16 appendix: V. Aria (Tenor): "Geliebter Jesu, Du Allein"
tenor vocals:
Paul Agnew (tenor / conductor) (in 2001-11)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-11)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-11)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-11)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 16 appendix "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": V. Aria (Tenore) "Geliebter Jesu, du allein sollst meiner Seelen Reichtum sein" (alternative version) (in 2001-11)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
version of:
Kantate, BWV 16 "Herr Gott, dich loben wir": V. Aria (Tenore) "Geliebter Jesu, du allein sollst meiner Seelen Reichtum sein"
Johann Sebastian Bach8:55
19Cantata "Ich Habe Genug" BWV 82 appendix: III. Aria: "Schlummert Ein, Ihr Matten Augen"
bass vocals:
Klaus Mertens (classical singer, bass-baritone) (in 2001-06)
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (in 2001-06)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 2001-06)
recorded at:
Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 2001-06)
recording of:
Kantate, BWV 82 appendix "Ich habe genung": III. Aria (Bass) "Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen" (alternative version) (in 2001-06)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
version of:
Kantate, BWV 82 "Ich habe genung": III. Aria (Bass) "Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen"
Johann Sebastian Bach8:39
CD 2
CD 3


Release Group

part of:Complete Cantatas (Ton Koopmans complete Bach Cantatas for Erato) (number: 16) (order: 15)