Complete Recordings on Archiv Produktion 3

~ Release by Reinhard Goebel, Musica Antiqua Köln (see all versions of this release, 6 available)


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CD 32: Gilles: Requiem
1Messe des Morts (Requiem): Introitus. Requiem aeternam (tenor) / Et lux perpetua (bass, choir) / Te decet hymnus (soprano) / Et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem (soprano, bass) / Exaudi orationem meam (choir) / Requiem aeternam (tenor) / Et lux perpetua (soprano, bass, choir)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass I]:
Ulrich Studer (Swiss baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
soprano vocals:
Anne-Marie Rodde (soprano) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
tenor vocals:
Martyn Hill (tenor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: I. Introitus (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles14:12
2Messe des Morts (Requiem): Kyrie. Kyrie eleison (tenor) / Christe eleison (alto, tenor) / Kyrie eleison (choir)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
alto vocals:
Jean Nirouët (counter-tenor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
tenor vocals:
Martyn Hill (tenor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: II. Kyrie (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles2:21
3Messe des Morts (Requiem): Graduale. Requiem aeternam (bass) / Et lux perpetua (bass) / In memoria aeterna erit justus (choir) / Ab auditione mala non timebit (bass, choir)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass I]:
Ulrich Studer (Swiss baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: III. Graduale (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles5:12
4Messe des Morts (Requiem): Offertorium. Domine Jesu Christe (bass, choir) / Sed signifer sanctus Michael (choir) / Hostias et preces tibi, Domine (tenor) / Fac eas, Domine, de morte transire (bass)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass I]:
Ulrich Studer (Swiss baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
tenor vocals:
Martyn Hill (tenor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: IV. Offertorium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles9:43
5Messe des Morts (Requiem): Sanctus. Sanctus - Hosanna in excelsis (bass I, bass II, choir) / Benedictus - Hosanna in excelsis (alto, tenor, bass, choir)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
alto vocals:
Jean Nirouët (counter-tenor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass I]:
Ulrich Studer (Swiss baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass II]:
Peter Kooy (baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
tenor vocals:
Martyn Hill (tenor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: V. Sanctus (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles3:57
6Messe des Morts (Requiem): Agnus dei (bass, choir)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass I]:
Ulrich Studer (Swiss baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: VI. Agnus Dei (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles4:00
7Messe des Morts (Requiem): Communio. Lux aeterna luceat eis (bass) / Requiem aeternam - Et lux perpetua (bass, choir)
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
bass vocals [bass I]:
Ulrich Studer (Swiss baritone) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
choir vocals:
Collegium Vocale Gent (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Requiem: VII. Communio (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Jean Gilles
part of:
Jean Gilles4:36
8Carillon des morts
executive producer:
Dr. Andreas Holschneider
Dr. Gerd Ploebsch
Musica Antiqua Köln (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Philippe Herreweghe (Belgian conductor) (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
balance engineer:
Onno Scholtze (sound engineer)
recorded at:
Kloosterkerk van de Ongeschoeide Karmelieten in Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
recording of:
Carillon des Morts (from 1981-01-08 until 1981-01-10)
Michel Corrette (composer)
Jean Gilles4:46
CD 33: Handel: Marian Cantatas & Arias
1Haec est Regina virginum, HWV 235
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-08)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-08)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-08)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-08)
recording of:
Haec est Regina virginum, HWV 235 (in 1993-08)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer) (in 1707)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 235)
George Frideric Handel4:50
2“Ah! che troppo ineguali”, HWV 230: Recitative: “Ah! che troppo inequali”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-08)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-08)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-08)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-08)
partial recording of:
Ah! che troppo ineguali, HWV 230 (in 1993-08)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer) (from 1707 until 1708)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 230)
George Frideric Handel1:02
3“Ah! che troppo ineguali”, HWV 230: [Aria] Adagio: “O del ciel Maria regina”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-08)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-08)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-08)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-08)
partial recording of:
Ah! che troppo ineguali, HWV 230 (in 1993-08)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer) (from 1707 until 1708)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 230)
George Frideric Handel9:26
4“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: Introduzione
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel4:09
5“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Recitative:] “Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel1:01
6“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Aria:] “Vacillò, per terror del primo errore”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel6:00
7“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Accompanied Recitative:] “Torna immobile in grembo”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel1:43
8“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Aria.] Adagio: “Tu sei la bella serena stella”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel8:13
9“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Recitative:] “Pur nella via che resta”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel0:37
10“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Aria.] Allegro: “Sorga pure dall'orrido averno”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel2:39
11“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Recitative:] “Dunque a te diamo lodi”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel0:42
12“Donna che in ciel di tanta luce splendi”, HWV 233: [Aria con coro:] “Maria, salute e speme”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
instruments and orchestra:
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
alto vocals:
Dagmar Brinken (alto) (in 1993-03), Andrea Mutert (contralto) (in 1993-03) and Andrea Wahl (alto) (in 1993-03)
bass vocals:
Michael Gräf (bass) (in 1993-03), Christoph Heimbucher (bass) (in 1993-03), Bernd Heyder (in 1993-03) and Stephan MacLeod (bass-baritone / conductor) (in 1993-03)
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
soprano vocals:
Susanne Jötten (soprano) (in 1993-03), Claudia Rott (soprano) (in 1993-03), Christina Schulz (soprano) (in 1993-03) and Helga Späth (soprano) (in 1993-03)
tenor vocals:
Konrad Buers (tenor) (in 1993-03), Frank Fabian (tenor) (in 1993-03) and Florian Simson (tenor) (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Donna, che in ciel, HWV 233 (in 1993-03)
premiered in:
Roma, Roma, Lazio, Italy (on 1708-02-02)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 233)
George Frideric Handel4:46
13Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Recitative:] “Giunta l'ora fatal dal ciel prescritta”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03) and Sendesaal, DeutschlandRadio in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini2:08
14Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: Cavatina: “Se d'un Dio fui fatta Madre -”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini3:35
15Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Accompanied Recitative:] “Ah me infelice!” - Cavatina da capo
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini5:37
16Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Recitative:] “Ahimè ch'Egli già esclama ad alta voce”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini1:09
17Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Aria:] “Sventurati miel sospiri”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini7:27
18Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Accompanied Recitative:] “Si disse la gran Madre”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini2:14
19Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Aria:] “Pari all'amor immenso”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini8:09
20Il pianto di Maria: “Giunta l'ora fatal”: [Accompanied Recitative:] “Or se per grande orror tremò la terra”
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj and Charlotte Kriesch
Wolfgang Mitlehner
solo mezzo-soprano vocals:
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo-soprano) (in 1993-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1993-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1993-03)
balance engineer:
Andrew Wedman (producer and engineer)
recorded at:
Deutschlandfunk Kammermusiksaal in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1993-03)
partial recording of:
Il pianto di Maria, HWV 234 (misattributed to Handel) (in 1993-03)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini
previously attributed to:
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 234)
Giovanni Battista Ferrandini0:55
CD 34: Hasse: Salve Regina
1Sinfonia in D major, op. 3/3 (Overture to Cleofide): 1. Allegro assai
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Sinfonia D-Dur op. 3, no. 3: I. Allegro assai (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
part of:
Sinfonia In D Major
Johann Adolf Hasse2:17
2Sinfonia in D major, op. 3/3 (Overture to Cleofide): 2. Andante, sempre piano
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Sinfonia D-Dur op. 3, no. 3: II. Allegretto, ma poco (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
part of:
Sinfonia In D Major
Johann Adolf Hasse2:42
3Sinfonia in D major, op. 3/3 (Overture to Cleofide): 3. Menuet - Presto - Menuet
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Sinfonia D-Dur op. 3, no. 3: III. Allegro assai (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
part of:
Sinfonia In D Major
Johann Adolf Hasse2:53
4Salve Regina in A major: 1. A tempo giusto: Salve Regina
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Salve Regina A-Dur: I. A tempo giusto »Salve Regina« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse4:50
5Salve Regina in A major: 2. Adagio: Ad te clamamus
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Salve Regina A-Dur: II. Adagio »Ad te clamamus« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse4:10
6Salve Regina in A major: 3. Adagio - Allegro: Eja ergo
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Salve Regina A-Dur: III. Adagio – Allegro »Eja ergo« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse2:05
7Salve Regina in A major: 4. Andante - Adagio: Et Jesum benedictum
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Salve Regina A-Dur: IV. Andante – Adagio »Et Jesum benedictum« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse2:59
8Sinfonia in F major, op. 3/5 (Overture to Asteria): 1. Allegro assai
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Sinfonia F-Dur op. 3 no. 5: I. Allegro assai (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse1:57
9Sinfonia in F major, op. 3/5 (Overture to Asteria): 2. Andante ma sempre piano
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Sinfonia F-Dur op. 3 no. 5: II. Andante ma sempre piano (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse3:53
10Sinfonia in F major, op. 3/5 (Overture to Asteria): 3. Allegro e con spirito
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Sinfonia F-Dur op. 3 no. 5: III. Allegro e con spirito (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse1:31
11Motet “Chori angelici laetantes” in C major: [1. Aria.] Allegro ma non troppo: Chori angelici laetantes
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Motette »Chori Angelici Laetantes«: I. Aria: Allegro ma non troppo »Chori angelici maetantes« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse6:20
12Motet “Chori angelici laetantes” in C major: [2. Recitative.] Moderato assai - Allegro: Mundi neglecta pompa et vanitate
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Motette »Chori Angelici Laetantes«: II. Rezitativ: Moderato assai – Allegro »Mundi neglecta pompa et vanitate« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse1:29
13Motet “Chori angelici laetantes” in C major: [3. Aria.] Moderato assai - Andante: Bone Jesu, te quaerendo
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Motette »Chori Angelici Laetantes«: III. Arie: Moderato assai – Andante »Bone Jesu, te quaerendo« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse7:13
14Motet “Chori angelici laetantes” in C major: [4. Aria.] Allegro: Alleuja
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1996-03)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1996-03)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1996-03)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Melanchthonkirche in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany (in 1996-03)
recording of:
Motette »Chori Angelici Laetantes«: IV. Arie: Allegro »Alleluja« (in 1996-03)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse2:08
15Fuga & Grave in G minor: Fuga. A la breve
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1995-11)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1995-11)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Tibor Varga Studio in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (in 1995-11)
recording of:
Fuga & Grave g-moll: Fuga. A la breve (in 1995-11)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse4:01
16Fuga & Grave in G minor: Grave - Fuga
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1995-11)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1995-11)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Tibor Varga Studio in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (in 1995-11)
recording of:
Fuga & Grave g-moll: Grave – Fuga (in 1995-11)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse5:59
17Salve Regina in E-flat major: 1. Andantino: Salve Regina (soprano, alto)
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1995-11)
soprano vocals:
Barbara Bonney (soprano) (in 1995-11)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1995-11)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1995-11)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Tibor Varga Studio in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (in 1995-11)
recording of:
Salve Regina Es-Dur a due voci, soprano e contralto, con stromenti: I. Andantino »Salve Regina« (Sopran, Alt) (in 1995-11)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
part of:
Salve Regina in E-flat major
Johann Adolf Hasse5:24
18Salve Regina in E-flat major: 2. Largo: Ad te clamamus (alto)
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1995-11)
soprano vocals:
Barbara Bonney (soprano) (in 1995-11)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1995-11)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1995-11)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Tibor Varga Studio in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (in 1995-11)
recording of:
Salve Regina Es-Dur a due voci, soprano e contralto, con stromenti: II. Largo »Ad te clamamus« (Alt) (in 1995-11)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
part of:
Salve Regina in E-flat major
Johann Adolf Hasse3:12
19Salve Regina in E-flat major: 3. Allegretto: Eja ergo (soprano)
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
soprano vocals:
Barbara Bonney (soprano) (in 1995-11)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1995-11)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1995-11)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Tibor Varga Studio in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (in 1995-11)
recording of:
Salve Regina Es-Dur a due voci, soprano e contralto, con stromenti: III. Allegretto »Eja ergo« (Sopran) (in 1995-11)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
part of:
Salve Regina in E-flat major
Johann Adolf Hasse3:35
20Salve Regina in E-flat major: 4. Andante, ma non troppo: Et Jesus benedictum (soprano, alto)
executive producer:
Dr. Peter Czornyj
Wolfgang Mitlehner
mezzo-soprano vocals:
Bernarda Fink (mezzo soprano) (in 1995-11)
soprano vocals:
Barbara Bonney (soprano) (in 1995-11)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1995-11)
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1995-11)
balance engineer:
Oliver Rogalla
recorded at:
Tibor Varga Studio in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (in 1995-11)
recording of:
Salve Regina Es-Dur a due voci, soprano e contralto, con stromenti: IV. Andante, ma non troppo »Et Jesum Benedictum« (Sopran, Alt) (in 1995-11)
Johann Adolf Hasse (composer)
Johann Adolf Hasse3:15
CD 35: Haydn: Concerti, concertini & divertimenti (I)
1Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12: 1. Allegro
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12: I. Allegro (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12 (also called Divertimento)
Joseph Haydn4:31
2Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12: 2. Adagio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12: II. Adagio (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12 (also called Divertimento)
Joseph Haydn5:26
3Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12: 3. Finale. Allegro
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12: III. Finale, Allegro (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:12 (also called Divertimento)
Joseph Haydn1:42
4Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3: 1. Allegro moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3: I. Allegro moderato (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3
Joseph Haydn1:40
5Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3: 2. Menuetto - Trio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3: II. Menuet (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3
Joseph Haydn2:25
6Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3: 3. Allegro di molto
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3: III. Finale. Allegro molto (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:3
Joseph Haydn0:56
7Concertino in F major, Hob. XVIII:F2: 1. Moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Concertino in F major, Hob.XVIII:F2: I. Moderato (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in F major, Hob. XVIII:F2
Joseph Haydn3:31
8Concertino in F major, Hob. XVIII:F2: 2. Adagio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Concertino in F major, Hob.XVIII:F2: II. Adagio (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in F major, Hob. XVIII:F2
Joseph Haydn4:54
9Concertino in F major, Hob. XVIII:F2: 3. Allegro assai
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Concertino in F major, Hob.XVIII:F2: III. Allegro assai (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in F major, Hob. XVIII:F2
Joseph Haydn2:20
10Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8: 1. Allegro moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8: I. Allegro moderato (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8
Joseph Haydn4:25
11Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8: 2. Menuetto - Trio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8: II. Menuet - Trio - Menuet (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8
Joseph Haydn3:09
12Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8: 3. Finale
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8: III. Finale (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:8
Joseph Haydn1:55
13Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9: 1. Allegro
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9: I. Allegro (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9
Joseph Haydn1:24
14Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9: 2. Menuet - Trio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9: II. Menuet (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9
Joseph Haydn2:21
15Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9: 3. Finale. Allegro molto
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9: III. Allegro molto (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in F major, Hob. XIV:9
Joseph Haydn2:29
16Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4: 1. [Allegro moderato]
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4: I. Allegro (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4
Joseph Haydn3:35
17Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4: 2. Menuet - Trio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4: II. Menuet (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4
Joseph Haydn2:43
18Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4: 3. Finale
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1978-09)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1978-09)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1978-09)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1978-09)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1978-09)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1978-09)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4: III. Finale. Allegro (in 1978-09)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:4
Joseph Haydn2:50
CD 36: Haydn: Concerti, concertini & divertimenti (II)
1Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1: 1. Moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Jos Konings (in 1981) and Ab Koster (horn player) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1: I. Moderato (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1
Joseph Haydn6:25
2Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1: 2. Menuet - Trio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Jos Konings (in 1981) and Ab Koster (horn player) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1: II. Menuet (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1
Joseph Haydn3:06
3Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1: 3. Finale. Allegro
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Jos Konings (in 1981) and Ab Koster (horn player) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1: III. Finale: Allegro (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in E-flat major, Hob. XIV:1
Joseph Haydn3:22
4Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11: 1. Moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11: I. Moderato (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11
Joseph Haydn2:34
5Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11: 2. Adagio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11: II. Adagio (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11
Joseph Haydn3:21
6Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11: 3. Allegro
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11: III. Allegro (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in C major, Hob. XIV:11
Joseph Haydn1:21
7Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7: 1. Allegro moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7: I. Allegro moderato (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7
Joseph Haydn2:29
8Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7: 2. Menuet - Trio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7: II. Menuet (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7
Joseph Haydn1:59
9Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7: 3. Finale. Presto
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7: III. Finale. Presto (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:7
Joseph Haydn1:50
10Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:C2: 1. Allegro moderato
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:C2: I. Allegro moderato (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:C2
Joseph Haydn1:47
11Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:C2: 2. Menuet
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:C2: II. Menuet (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Divertimento in C major, Hob. XIV:C2
Joseph Haydn1:10
12Concerto (Concertino) in G major, Hob. XIV:13: 1. Allegro
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Concertino in G major, Hob. XIV:13: I. Allegro moderato (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in G major, Hob. XIV:13
Joseph Haydn3:45
13Concerto (Concertino) in G major, Hob. XIV:13: 2. Adagio
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Concertino in G major, Hob. XIV:13: II. Adagio (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in G major, Hob. XIV:13
Joseph Haydn3:25
14Concerto (Concertino) in G major, Hob. XIV:13: 3. Finale. Presto
Charles Medlam (cellist, viol player and conductor) (in 1981)
Ton Koopman (conductor, organist and harpsichordist) (in 1981)
Musica Antiqua Köln (in 1981)
violin [violin I]:
Reinhard Goebel (violinist and conductor) (in 1981)
violin [violin II]:
Alda Stuurop (violinist) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Lutherse Kerk in Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1981)
recording of:
Concertino in G major, Hob. XIV:13: III. Finale. Presto (in 1981)
Joseph Haydn (composer)
part of:
Concertino in G major, Hob. XIV:13
Joseph Haydn2:07
CD 37: Heinichen: Dresden Concerti (I)
CD 38: Heinichen: Dresden Concerti (II)
CD 39: Heinichen: Lamentationes - Passionsmusik (I)
CD 40: Lamentationes - Passionsmusik (II)
CD 41: Leclair: Musique de chambre - Late Works
CD 42: Le roi danse - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
CD 43: Monteverdi: Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda / Lamento d'Arianna
CD 44: Telemann: Tafelmusik (I)
CD 45: Telemann: Tafelmusik (II)
CD 46: Telemann: Tafelmusik (III)
CD 47: Telemann: Tafelmusik (IV)