# | Title | Rating | Length |
1 | Introit “The Lord Is in His Holy Temple | | 0:45 |
2 | Improvisation by Gerre Hancock | | 5:02 |
3 | Preces: Rector and the Choir | | 1:18 |
4 | Psalm 133: Ecce, Quam Bonum! | | 1:08 |
5 | Psalm 134: Ecce Nunc | | 1:08 |
6 | First Lesson (Isaiah 35) | | 2:17 |
7 | Hymn: We Sing of God (Magdalen College) | | 3:53 |
8 | Magnificat | | 4:38 |
9 | Second Lesson (John 17:13-23) | | 1:27 |
10 | Nunc Dimittis | | 3:12 |
11 | The Apostles Creed | | 1:19 |
12 | Responses | | 6:52 |
13 | Anthem: O God, My Heart Is Ready | | 4:04 |
14 | Prayers | | 0:19 |
15 | Blessing | | 0:13 |
16 | Hymn: Abide With Me | | 5:18 |
17 | Anthem: Judge Eternal | | 5:12 |
18 | Anthem: Christ, Whose Glory | | 4:24 |
19 | Organ Voluntary: Magnificat | | 2:49 |