Sword in the Soul

~ Release by London Choral Sinfonia & Michael Waldron (see all versions of this release, 1 available)


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1Sword in the Soul:We venerate the wood of thy Cross
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer6:03
2Sword in the Soul:Narration 1
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer3:17
3Sword in the Soul:Nunc Dimittis
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer2:15
4Sword in the Soul:Narration 2
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer3:41
5Sword in the Soul:O Lord, thou hast duped me
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer1:23
6Sword in the Soul:Narration 3
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer3:37
7Sword in the Soul:Lovely tears of lovely eyes
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer4:14
8Sword in the Soul:Narration 4
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer3:10
9Sword in the Soul:Dialogue for cello & organ
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer3:29
10Sword in the Soul:Narration 5
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer6:25
11Sword in the Soul:O Cross of Christ
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer2:47
12Sword in the Soul:Narration 6
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer5:13
13Sword in the Soul:Today he who hung the earth upon the waters
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Francis Grier, Composer5:38
14Hail, gladdening light
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Owain Park, Composer2:05
15We will remember them
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Edward Elgar, Composer2:46
16Enigma Variations. Nimrod:Lux Aeterna
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Edward Elgar, Composer4:09
17Nunc Dimittis (after Finzi)
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & David Bednall, Composer9:39
18And I saw a new heaven
London Choral Sinfonia, Choir, Michael Waldron, Conductor & Edgar Bainton, Composer5:44