...Earth to the Dandy Warhols...

~ Release by The Dandy Warhols (see all versions of this release, 6 available)


Digital Media 1
1The World Come On44:42
2Mission Control3.52:16
3Welcome to the Third World45:50
4Wasp in the Lotus24:36
5And Then I Dreamt of Yes34:42
6Talk Radio35:28
7Love Song33:48
8Now You Love Me43:09
9Mis Amigos44:31
10The Legend of the Last of the Outlaw Truckers a.k.a. the Ballad of Sheriff Shorty43:44
11Beast of All Saints34:47
12Valerie Yum37:01
13Musee D'Nougat314:46
14Sister Golden Hair
cover recording of:
Sister Golden Hair
lyricist and composer:
Gerald Beckley
15Welcome to the Third World (French Edition)4:19