Kevin’s Telescope

~ Release by The Gathering (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


Diifers from this version: besides the matrix#, has differences in the CD (inner ring) and in the interior insert (official homepage adress).

Track #1 taken from the album Nighttime Birds; recorded at Woodhouse studios, Germany.
Track #2 and #3 recorded 1-4 Sept. 1997 at S & K studios, Doetinchem, Netherlands.
Track #4 taken from the album Nighttime Birds; recorded at Woodhouse studios, Germany.

Matrix / Runout (Variant 1): SONOPRESS T-8759/ 77192-3 A
Mastering SID Code (Variant 1): IFPI L022
Mould SID Code (Variant 1): IFPI 0767
Label Code: LC 6975
Barcode (Variant 2): SONOPRESS T-8759/ 77192-3 A
Mould SID Code (Variant 2): IFPI 0779
Mastering SID Code (Variant 2): IFPI L022

Annotation last modified on 2021-02-28 16:30 UTC.