
As it's common for Eurovision songs to have more than one recorded version (even when performed by the same artist), it is preferable for this series to include those studio recordings that sound the closest to what was performed live (choice of language, lyrics, arrangements of the instrumental backing track, etc.) on the Grand Finals.
Although exceptions may not be uncommon, a good point of reference are the official annual compilations that are being released since 1999, as well 'all-time' compilations that were licenced by the EBU such as those released on the 50th and 60th anniversaries.

This and other series focusing on the history of each participating country in ESC will include recordings to all of the songs as listed on each of the events in the following link:

To summarize:

  • All songs that competed in all finals (since 1956) and semifinals (since 2004) as well as all songs that were confirmed for the cancelled 2020 edition will be included in these.
  • Songs that failed to qualify from the 1993 and 1996 pre-selections, as well as any withdrawn/disqualified entry will not be eligible for these.
Annotation last modified on 2020-09-22 19:00 UTC.


1974Κρασί, Θάλασσα Και Τ' Αγόρι ΜουΜαρινέλλα3:00
1976Παναγιά Μου, Παναγιά ΜουΜαρίζα Κωχ
    1977Μάθημα ΣολφέζΠασχάλης, Μαριάνα Τόλη, Robert Williams, Μπέσσυ Αργυράκη3:00
    1978Τσάρλυ ΤσάπλινΤάνια Τσανακλίδου
      1980Ώτο ΣτοπΆννα Βίσση & Επίκουροι3:01
      1981Φεγγάρι ΚαλοκαιρινόΓιάννης Δημητράς
        1983Μου ΛεςΚρίστυ Στασινοπούλου2:59
        1985ΜοιάζουμεTάκης Μπινιάρης3:02
        1988ΚλόουνΑφροδίτη Φρυδά
          1989Το Δικό Σου ΑστέριΜαριάννα Ευστρατίου3:09
          1990Χωρίς σκοπόΧρήστος Κάλοου
            1991ΆνοιξηΣοφία Βόσσου3:06
            1992Όλου Του Κόσμου Η Ελπίδα (Greece, Eurovision 1992 entry)Κλεοπάτρα
              1993Ελλάδα Χώρα Του Φωτός (ESC version)Καίτη Γαρμπή
                1994Το ΤρεχαντήριCostas Bigalis and The Sea Lovers
                  1995Ποια ΠροσευχήΕλίνα Κωνσταντοπούλου2:55
                  1996Εμείς Φοράμε Το Χειμώνα ΑνοιξιάτικαΜαριάννα Ευστρατίου
                    1997ΧόρεψεΜαριάννα Ζορμπά
                      1998Μια Κρυφή ΕυαισθησίαΘάλασσα
                        2001(I Would) Die for You (Greece, Eurovision 2001 entry)Antique2:59
                        2002S.A.G.A.P.O. (Greece, Eurovision 2002 entry)Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής
                          2003Never Let You Go (Greece, Eurovision 2003 entry)Μαντώ
                            2004Shake It (Eurovision Version)Σάκης Ρουβάς2:58
                            2005My Number One (Greece, Eurovision 2005 entry)Έλενα Παπαρίζου2:55
                            2006Everything (Greece, Eurovision 2006 entry)Άννα Βίσση3:01
                            2007Yassou Maria (Greece, Eurovision 2007 entry)Sarbel3:01
                            2008Secret Combination (Greece, Eurovision 2008 entry)Καλομοίρα3:03
                            2009This Is Our Night (Greece, Eurovision 2009 entry)Σάκης Ρουβάς2:58
                            2010OPA! (Greece, Eurovision 2010 entry)Giorgos Alkaios & Friends3:02
                            2011Watch My Dance (Greece, Eurovision 2011 entry)Loukas Yorkas & Stereo Mike3:02
                            2012Aphrodisiac (Greece, Eurovision 2012 entry)Ελευθερία Ελευθερίου33:03
                            2013Alcohol Is Free (Greece, Eurovision 2013 entry)Koza Mostra & Agathon Iakovidis2:56
                            2014Rise Up (Greece, Eurovision 2014 entry)Freaky Fortune feat. RiskyKidd3:04
                            2015One Last Breath (Greece, Eurovision 2015 entry)Maria Elena Kyriakou2:50
                            2016Utopian Land (Greece, Eurovision 2016 entry)Argo2:55
                            2017This Is Love (Greece, Eurovision 2017 entry)Demy3:01
                            2018Oniro mouYianna Terzi3:05
                            2019Better LoveKaterine Duska2:59
                            2020SUPERG!RL (Greece, Eurovision 2020 entry)Stefania3:00
                            2021Last Dance (Greece, Eurovision 2021 entry)Stefanίa3.53:00
                            2022Die Together (Greece, Eurovision 2022 entry)Amanda Tenfjord32:55


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