Decca (by matrix number)

~ Recording series


38531-ASophisticated Lady (1934-09-04, mx. 38531-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
    38532-BMood Indigo (1934-09-04, mx. 38532-B)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
      38533-ARose Room (1934-09-04, mx. 38533-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
        38534-ABlack and Tan Fantasie (1934-09-04, mx. 38534-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
          38535-AStratosphere (1934-09-04, mx. 38535-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
            38541-ANana (1934-09-05, mx. 38541-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
              38542-AMiss Otis Regrets (She’s Unable to Lunch Today) (1934-09-05, mx. 38542-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                38543-AUnsophisticated Sue (1934-09-05, mx. 38543-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                  38544-xStar Dust (1934-09-05, mx. 38544-x)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                    38593-ARhythm Man (1934-09-10, mx. 38593-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:55
                    38594-AOn the Sunny Side of the Street (1934-09-10, mx. 38594-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra
                      38595-ALona (1934-09-10, mx. 38595-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:48
                      38596-ABlue Minor (1934-09-10, mx. 38596-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:04
                      38915-ADream of You (1934-10-29, mx. 38915-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                        38917-AStomp It Off (1934-10-29, mx. 38917-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                          38918-ACall It Anything (It Wasn’t Love) (1934-10-29, mx. 38918-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                            38967-ABecause You’re You (1934-11-07, mx. 38967-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra3:23
                            38969-ASolitude (1934-11-07, mx. 38969-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                              39138-AIt’s Over Because We’re Through (1934-11-19, mx. 39138-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:16
                              39140-ADon’t Be That Way (1934-11-19, mx. 39140-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra
                                39141-AWhat a Shuffle (1934-11-19, mx. 39141-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:55
                                39142-ABlue Lou (1934-11-19, mx. 39142-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:03
                                39169-ARain (1934-12-17, mx. 39169-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                                  39170-ASince My Best Gal Turned Me Down (1934-12-17, mx. 39170-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                                    39172-xRhythm Is Our Business (1934-12-18, mx. 39172-x)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                                      39557-A(If I Had) Rhythm in My Nursery Rhymes (1935-05-29, mx. 39557-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                                        39614-AI’ll Chase the Blues Away (1935-06-12, mx. 39614-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:34
                                        39615-ADown Home Rag (1935-06-12, mx. 39615-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra
                                          39616-AAre You Here to Stay? (1935-06-12, mx. 39616-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:11
                                          39617-ALove and Kisses (1935-06-12, mx. 39617-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:20
                                          60016-AHittin’ the Bottle (1935-09-30, mx. 60016-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                                            60054-ARhythm and Romance (1935-10-12, mx. 60054-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:06
                                            60055-AMoonlight and Magnolias (1935-10-12, mx. 60055-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:53
                                            60056-AI’ll Chase the Blues Away (1935-10-12, mx. 60056-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:44
                                            60057-AI May Be Wrong (but I Think You’re Wonderful) (1935-10-12, mx. 60057-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:06
                                            60058-AFacts and Figures (1935-10-12, mx. 60058-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:35
                                            60274-AMy Blue Heaven (1935-12-23, mx. 60274-A)Jimmie Lunceford and His Orchestra
                                              61000-ACrying My Heart Out Over You (1936-04-07, mx. 61000-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:09
                                              61001-AUnder the Spell of the Blues (1936-04-07, mx. 61001-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:05
                                              61002-AWhen I Get Low I Get High (1936-04-07, mx. 61002-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:27
                                              61123-AGo Harlem (1936-06-02, mx. 61123-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:22
                                              61124-ASing Me a Swing Song (and Let Me Dance) (1936-06-02, mx. 61124-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:35
                                              61125-AA Little Bit Later On (1936-06-02, mx. 61125-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:05
                                              61126-ALove You’re Just a Laugh (1936-06-02, mx. 61126-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:11
                                              61127-ADevoting My Time to You (1936-06-02, mx. 61127-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:27
                                              61361-A(If You Can’t Sing It) You’ll Have to Swing It (1936-10-29, mx. 61361-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra
                                                61362-ASwinging on the Reservation (1936-10-29, mx. 61362-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra3:07
                                                61363-AI Got the Spring Fever Blues (1936-10-29, mx. 61363-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra
                                                  61364-AVote for Mister Rhythm (1936-10-29, mx. 61364-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:28
                                                  61419-AMy Last Affair (1936-11-18, mx. 61419-A)Ella Fitzgerald and Her Savoy Eight
                                                    61420-AOrgan Grinder’s Swing (1936-11-18, mx. 61420-A)Ella Fitzgerald and Her Savoy Eight2:52
                                                    61421-AShine (1936-11-19, mx. 61421-A)Ella Fitzgerald and Her Savoy Eight
                                                      61422-BThe Darktown Strutters Ball (1936-11-19, mx. 61422-B)Ella Fitzgerald and Her Savoy Eight
                                                        61520-AThere’s Frost on the Moon (1937-01-14, mx. 61520-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra
                                                          61527-A(Oh Yes?) Take Another Guess (1937-01-14, mx. 61527-A)Chick Webb and His Orchestra2:43
                                                          61542-AHoneysuckle Rose (1937-01-21, mx. 61542-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra3:01
                                                          61543-APennies from Heaven (1937-01-21, mx. 61543-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra3:02
                                                          61544-ASwinging at the Daisy Chain (1937-01-21, mx. 61544-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:51
                                                          61545-ARoseland Shuffle (1937-01-21, mx. 61545-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:35
                                                          62078-AExactly Like You (1937-03-26, mx. 62078-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:43
                                                          62079-ABoo‐Hoo (1937-03-26, mx. 62079-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:29
                                                          62080-AThe Glory of Love (1937-03-26, mx. 62080-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:31
                                                          62081-ABoogie Woogie (I May Be Wrong) (1937-03-26, mx. 62081-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:53
                                                          62331-B(You Know It All) Smarty (1937-07-07, mx. 62331-B)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:45
                                                          62332-AOne O’Clock Jump (1937-07-07, mx. 62332-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                            62333-AListen My Children and You Shall Hear (1937-07-07, mx. 62333-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra3:08
                                                            62334-AJohn’s Idea (1937-07-07, mx. 62334-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:57
                                                            62511-AGoodmorning Blues (1937-08-09, mx. 62511-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                              62511-BGood Morning Blues (1937-08-09, mx. 62511-B)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                62512-AOur Love Was Meant to Be (1937-08-09, mx. 62512-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                  62513-ATime Out (1937-08-09, mx. 62513-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                    62514-ATopsy (1937-08-09, mx. 62514-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                      62682-AI Keep Remembering (Someone I Should Forget) (1937-10-13, mx. 62682-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                        62683-AOut the Window (1937-10-13, mx. 62683-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                          62684-ADon’t You Miss Your Baby? (1937-10-13, mx. 62684-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                            62685-ALet Me Dream (1937-10-13, mx. 62685-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                              63122-AGeorgianna (1938-01-03, mx. 63122-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                63123-ABlues in the Dark (1938-01-03, mx. 63123-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                  63286-ASent for You Yesterday and Here You Come Today (1938-02-16, mx. 63286-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:59
                                                                                  63287-AEvery Tub (1938-02-16, mx. 63287-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra3:17
                                                                                  63288-ANow Will You Be Good (1938-02-16, mx. 63288-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:48
                                                                                  63289-ASwinging the Blues (1938-02-16, mx. 63289-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra2:48
                                                                                  63918-AMama Don’t Want No Peas an’ Rice an’ Cocoanut Oil (1938-06-06, mx. 63918-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                    63919-ABlue and Sentimental (1938-06-06, mx. 63919-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra3:14
                                                                                    63920-ADoggin’ Around (1938-06-06, mx. 63920-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra3:04
                                                                                    64359-AJump Steady (1938-07-29, mx. 64359-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                      64360-AThe Thing (1938-07-29, mx. 64360-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                        64361-ALooney (1938-07-29, mx. 64361-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                          64362-ARhythm Doctor Man (1938-07-29, mx. 64362-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                            64363-AGettin’ in the Groove (1938-07-29, mx. 64363-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                              64467-ASomeone Outside Is Taking Your Mind Off Me (1938-08-19, mx. 64467-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                                64468-AJeep’s Blues (1938-08-19, mx. 64468-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                                  64469-A (unissued)Draggin’ My Heart Around (1938-08-19, mx. 64469-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                                    64470-AYou Never Miss the Water ’Till the Well Runs Dry (1938-08-19, mx. 64470-A)Al Cooper’s Savoy Sultans
                                                                                                      64471-AStop Beatin' Round the Mulberry Bush (1938-08-22, mx. 64471-A)Count Basie & His Orchestra
                                                                                                        64471-BStop Beatin’ ’round the Mulberry Bush (1938-08-22, mx. 64471-B)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                                          64472-ALondon Bridge Is Falling Down (1938-08-22, mx. 64472-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                                            64473-ATexas Shuffle (1938-08-22, mx. 64473-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                                              64474-AJumpin’ at the Woodside (1938-08-19, mx. 64474-A)Count Basie and His Orchestra
                                                                                                                64731-AHow Long How Long Blues (1938-11-09, mx. 64731-A)Count Basie


                                                                                                                  publishing label:Decca Records