Release Groups

12013VirginsTim HeckerAlbum4.53
22013Shaking the HabitualThe KnifeAlbum13
32013Teethed Glory & InjuryAltar of PlaguesAlbum55
42013…Like ClockworkQueens of the Stone AgeAlbum4.47
62013Blood DonationMariam the BelieverAlbum4
72013midcityclipping.Album + Mixtape/Street4
82013You’re NothingIceageAlbum3
92013The Night’s GambitKaAlbum2
102013CrusherGrave BabiesAlbum3
122013Colored SandsGorgutsAlbum55
132013Silence YourselfSavagesAlbum46
142013How to Stop Your Brain in an AccidentFuture of the LeftAlbum32
152013HowlThis Routine Is HellAlbum3
1620136ix CommandmentsDa Mafia 6ixAlbum3
172013Race MusicArmand HammerAlbum1
182013Pain Is BeautyChelsea WolfeAlbum44
202013ImmunityJon HopkinsAlbum4.59
212013GNKYC The CynicAlbum1
222013Loud City SongJulia HolterAlbum34
232013Drone LogicDaniel AveryAlbum43
252013Twelve Reasons to DieGhostface Killah & Adrian YoungeAlbum34
262013Lousy With Sylvianbriarof MontrealAlbum3
272013MelophobiaCage the ElephantAlbum412
282013General DomeBuke and GaseAlbum4
292013BetterOffDEADFlatbush ZOMBiESAlbum + Mixtape/Street1
312013Wakin on a Pretty DazeKurt VileAlbum46
322013Random Access MemoriesDaft PunkAlbum3.923
332013Soft WillSmith WesternsAlbum2
342013Dream RiverBill CallahanAlbum3.52
352013No Poison No ParadiseBlack MilkAlbum53
362013Tape TwoYoung FathersEP2
372013Scratch 'n SniffStone TitanAlbum1
382013The EulogyCakes da KillaAlbum + Mixtape/Street1
392013Clash the TruthBeach FossilsAlbum5
402013ExcavationThe Haxan CloakAlbum2.52
412013m b vMy Bloody ValentineAlbum3.75
422013I See SeaweedThe DronesAlbum3
432013One of Us Is the KillerThe Dillinger Escape PlanAlbum57
442013Is Survived ByTouché AmoréAlbum4.53
462013Run the JewelsRun the JewelsAlbum415
472013We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & MagicFoxygenAlbum42
4820136 Feet Beneath the MoonKing KruleAlbum3
502013Modern Vampires of the CityVampire WeekendAlbum4.357