The Goofus Five (1920s jazz recording group)

~ Gruppe


Album + Kompilation

1980The Goofus Five 1924-1925Adrian Rollini & The Goofus Five2
1994The Goofus Five 1926-1927The Goofus Five feat. Adrian Rollini1
Fourteen Performances 1927The Goofus Five and Ted Wallace and His Orchestra1
The Goofus Five 1925-1926The Goofus Five1


1924Go Emmaline / Hey! Hey! And Hee! Hee! (I'm Charleston Crazy)The Goofus Five1
1927Arkansas Blues / The Wang Wang BluesThe Goofus Five1
1927Mary Lou / Black BottomThe Goofus Five / Okeh Syncopators1
1927Vo-Do-Do-De-O Blues / Lazy WeatherThe Goofus Five1
1928Is She My Girl Friend? / Get Out and Get Under the MoonThe Goofus Five / Sam Lanin's Orchestra1
1928Mamma's Grown Young, Papa's Grown Old / BorneoThe Goofus Five and Their Orchestra / Frankie Trumbauer and His Orchestra1
1929My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now / Sonny BoyThe Goofus Five and Their Orchestra1
1929Deep Night / I’ll Never Ask for MoreThe Goofus Five and Their Orchestra / Dorsey Brothers and Their Orchestra1
1929I Can't Give You Anything But Love / Once In A LifetimeThe Goofus Five & Their Orchestra / Mike Markel's Orchestra1
1929Ready for the River / Me and the Man in the MoonThe Goofus Five & Their Orchestra / Benny Meroff & His Orchestra1
Go Wash an Elephant / The Whisper SongThe Jazz Pilots / The Goofus Five1

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