
member of:Anatomy of a Ghost
Original member of:Portugal. The Man (vom 2004 bis heute: Sologesang, drum machine, Orgel, Gitarre)
verheiratet:Zoe Manville (vom 2017-12-31 bis heute)
Discogs: [Info]
Wikidata:Q23901842 [Info]


DatumTitelGenannt alsEigenschaftenKünstlerLänge
A.K.A. M80 the WolfGitarrePortugal. The Man3:56
Bad, Bad Levi BrownGitarrePortugal. The Man3:30
ChicagoGitarrePortugal. The Man4:13
ElephantsGitarrePortugal. The Man4:04
Gold FrontsGitarrePortugal. The Man3:27
Guns. Guns... GunsGitarrePortugal. The Man8:30
Horse Warming PartyGitarrePortugal. The Man3:45
How the Leopard Got Its SpotsGitarrePortugal. The Man3:59
Kill Me. The KingGitarrePortugal. The Man3:05
Marching With 6GitarrePortugal. The Man3:02
Stables & ChairsGitarrePortugal. The Man3:17
TommyGitarrePortugal. The Man4:27
WaiterGitarrePortugal. The Man3:24
A.K.A. M80 the WolfJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:56
All Your Light (Times Like These)John GourleykoPortugal. The Man4:26
Amber MagicPortugal. The Man3:25
Amethyst MagicPortugal. The Man2:18
Bad, Bad Levi BrownJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:30
Black MagicPortugal. The Man3:37
ChicagoJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man4:13
Crystal MagicPortugal. The Man1:27
ElephantsJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man4:04
Emerald MagicPortugal. The Man2:31
Everything You See (Kids Count Hallelujahs)John GourleykoPortugal. The Man4:15
Floating (Time Isn’t Working My Side)John GourleykoPortugal. The Man3:36
Gold FrontsJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:27
Gold MagicPortugal. The Man2:27
Got It All (This Can’t Be Living Now)John GourleykoPortugal. The Man3:46
Guns. Guns... GunsJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man8:30
Head Is a Flame (Cool With It)John GourleykoPortugal. The Man3:33
Horse Warming PartyJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:45
How the Leopard Got Its SpotsJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:59
It's Complicated Being a WizardPortugal. The Man23:01
Kill Me. The KingJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:05
Marching With 6John GourleyPortugal. The Man3:02
Once Was OneJohn GourleykoPortugal. The Man4:22
Opal MagicPortugal. The Man0:50
Ruby MagicPortugal. The Man4:05
Sapphire MagicPortugal. The Man2:19
SenselessJohn GourleykoPortugal. The Man3:26
Share With Me the SunJohn GourleykoPortugal. The Man2:44
Sleep ForeverJohn GourleykoPortugal. The Man6:20
So AmericanJohn GourleykoPortugal. The Man3:36
Stables & ChairsJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:17
TommyJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man4:27
WaiterJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man3:24
You Carried Us (Share With Me the Sun)John GourleykoPortugal. The Man4:07
recording engineer for
Amber MagicPortugal. The Man3:25
Amethyst MagicPortugal. The Man2:18
Black MagicPortugal. The Man3:37
Crystal MagicPortugal. The Man1:27
Emerald MagicPortugal. The Man2:31
Gold MagicPortugal. The Man2:27
It's Complicated Being a WizardPortugal. The Man23:01
Opal MagicPortugal. The Man0:50
Ruby MagicPortugal. The Man4:05
Sapphire MagicPortugal. The Man2:19
A.K.A. M80 the WolfPortugal. The Man3:56
Bad, Bad Levi BrownPortugal. The Man3:30
ChicagoPortugal. The Man4:13
ElephantsPortugal. The Man4:04
Gold FrontsPortugal. The Man3:27
Guns. Guns... GunsPortugal. The Man8:30
Horse Warming PartyPortugal. The Man3:45
How the Leopard Got Its SpotsPortugal. The Man3:59
Kill Me. The KingPortugal. The Man3:05
Marching With 6Portugal. The Man3:02
Stables & ChairsPortugal. The Man3:17
TommyPortugal. The Man4:27
WaiterPortugal. The Man3:24
It's Complicated Being a WizardPortugal. The Man
In the Mountain in the Cloud (Special Edition)John GourleyPortugal. The Man
Evil FriendsJohn GourleyPortugal. The Man
In the Mountain in the Cloud (Special Edition)John GourleyPortugal. The Man
Waiter: "You Vultures!"J. GourleyPortugal. The Man
In the Mountain in the Cloud (Special Edition)GitarrePortugal. The Man
In the Mountain in the Cloud (Special Edition)SynthesizerPortugal. The Man
Love StuffJohn GourleymembranophoneElle King
Love StuffJohn GourleyPerkussionElle King
Love StuffJohn Gourleydrum machine [beats]Elle King
Evil FriendsPortugal. The Man
In the Mountain in the Cloud (Special Edition)Portugal. The Man
Love StuffJohn GourleyHintergrundgesangElle King
Waiter: "You Vultures!"SologesangPortugal. The Man
Waiter: "You Vultures!"SologesangPortugal. The Man
A.K.A. M80 the WolfJ. Gourley
All Your Light (Times Like These)
Bad, Bad Levi BrownJ. Gourley
Bellies Are Full
ChicagoJ. Gourley
ElephantsJ. Gourley
Everything You See (Kids Count Hallelujahs)
Floating (Time isn’t Working My Side)
Gold FrontsJ. Gourley
Got It All (This Can’t Be Living Now)
Guns. Guns... GunsJ. Gourley
Head is a Flame (Cool with it)
Horse Warming PartyJ. Gourley
How the Leopard Got Its SpotsJ. Gourley
Kill Me. The KingJ. Gourley
Marching With 6J. Gourley
Once Was One
Share With me the Sun
Sleep Forever
So American
Stables & ChairsJ. Gourley
The Sun
TommyJ. Gourley
WaiterJ. Gourley
You Carried Us (Share with Me the Sun)
A.K.A. M80 the WolfJ. Gourley
All Your Light (Times Like These)
Bad, Bad Levi BrownJ. Gourley
Bellies Are Full
ChicagoJ. Gourley
ElephantsJ. Gourley
Everything You See (Kids Count Hallelujahs)
Floating (Time isn’t Working My Side)
Gold FrontsJ. Gourley
Got It All (This Can’t Be Living Now)
Guns. Guns... GunsJ. Gourley
Head is a Flame (Cool with it)
Horse Warming PartyJ. Gourley
How the Leopard Got Its SpotsJ. Gourley
Kill Me. The KingJ. Gourley
Marching With 6J. Gourley
Once Was One
Share With me the Sun
Sleep Forever
So American
Stables & ChairsJ. Gourley
The Sun
TommyJ. Gourley
WaiterJ. Gourley
You Carried Us (Share with Me the Sun)
Amber Magic
Amethyst Magic
Atomic Man
Black Magic
Creep in a T-Shirt
Crystal Magic
Easy Tiger
Emerald Magic
Evil Friends
Evil Friends (Jake One remix)
Feel It Still
Gold Magic
Heavy GamesJohn Gourley
Hip Hop Kids
Holy Roller (Hallelujah)
It's Complicated Being a Wizard
Keep On
Live in the Moment
Modern Jesus
Mr Lonely
Noise Pollution (version A, vocal up mix 1.3)
Number One
Opal Magic
Plastic Soldiers
Purple Yellow Red and Blue
Rich Friends
Ruby Magic
Sapphire Magic
Sea of Air
So Young
Someday Believers
Tidal Wave