Artist credit “Håkan Hardenberger, Simon Preston”
This artist credit is composed of the following artists:
- Håkan Hardenberger (classical trumpeter)
- Simon Preston (organist, conductor, composer)
- Adagio in G minor
- Alleluias…
- Arioso barocco
- Ave Maria
- Ave Maria
- Chorale Preludes: BWV 639: »Ich rufʼ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ«
- Chorale Preludes: BWV 721: »Erbarmʼ dich mein, o Herre Gott«
- Chorale Preludes: BWV 727: »Herzlich tut mich verlangen«
- Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (I), chorale prelude for organ (Orgel-Büchlein No. 41), BWV 639 (BC K68)
- La Statue retrouvée
- Alle 49 Aufnahmen anzeigen