MusicBrainz Summit / 6

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Well, sort of a summit. Whereas MusicBrainz Summit 5 was fairly "serious" in tone (lots of sitting round a table talking about ideas seriously, not much beer), the emphasis for 2004 is tending more towards a more casual atmosphere, probably lots of vague hand-waving theorising and "pub logic" discussion, and rather more beer :-)

Where and When

So, we've picked on three pubs close together (one, and two backups in case the first one sucks).

The date: Nov 30th 2004; the time: 6.30pm.


Very informal list of people who might be there:

Please add yourselves to the above list, just so we have some vague idea as to who and how many people we expect to be there. I guess most of you will have seen pictures of Rob and maybe myself on the MB web site, so hopefully if we've not met in person before we should nevertheless be able to recognise each other. Feel free to provide links to piccies of yourselves if you like :-)

Rob will be posting a reminder message to mb-users the day before (Nov 29th), and will provide his mobile number (either on the list, or via private emails maybe).

Hope to see you there!

- DaveEvans