A Winter Garden: Five Songs for the SeasonLoreena McKennittCD5
  • US1995-11-07
Warner Bros. Records (1958–2019; “WB” logo, with or without “records” beneath or on banner across), Quinlan Road9 46096-2, 9460962093624609629
A Winter Garden: Five Songs for the SeasonLoreena McKennittCD5
Quinlan Road, wea (has logo with just “wea” on it)CD 12290706301229026
A Winter Garden: Five Songs for the SeasonLoreena McKennittCD5
wea (has logo with just “wea” on it)0630-12290-2706301229026
A Winter Garden: Five Songs for the Season (CD-Matrix: IFPI L011; [Warner logo] 063012290-2.2 07/99; IFPI 0598)Loreena McKennittCD5
Quinlan Road, wea (has logo with just “wea” on it)0630-12290-2706301229026
A Winter Garden: Five Songs for the SeasonLoreena McKennittCD5
Quinlan RoadR2 46096093624609629
A Winter Garden: Five Songs for the SeasonLoreena McKennittEnhanced CD5
  • XE2007-02-22
Quinlan RoadQRCD106R774213910622


Single/EP, stammt aus:A Midwinter Night’s Dream
Discogs:https://www.discogs.com/master/133851 [Info]
andere Datenbanken:https://www.musik-sammler.de/album/62263/ [Info]
Wikidata:Q1115822 [Info]


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