
Verfasser(in):Billy Idol (English rock singer-songwriter)
Tony James (UK bassist/guitarist)
publisher:Chrysalis Music Group Inc.
Chrysalis Music Ltd. (music publisher)
Chrysalis Music Publishing Ltd.
Rare Blue Music Inc
Universal Music Publishing Ltd. (UK subsidiary of Universal Music Publishing Group)
Liedtextseite: [Info]
SecondHandSongs: [Info]
Songfacts: [Info]
Wikidata:Q3013406 [Info]
spätere Parodieversion:Playing With Myself
spätere übersetzte Parodieversion:Humppaan itsekseni
spätere übersetzte Version:Ik dans wel met mezelf
Я танцую сам с собой


1980-09Dancing With Myself (album version)Billy Idol4:50
1980-12-13Dancing With Myself (live, 1980‐12‐13: Hatfield Polytechnic, Hatfield, UK)liveGeneration X4:18
1986Dancing With Myself (live, 1986: USA)liveBilly Idol5:06
2001-04-01Dancing With Myself (live, 2001-04-01: VH1 Storytellers, VH1 Studios, New York, NY, USA)liveBilly Idol4:59
2001-04-01Dancing With Myself (live, 2001-04-01: VH1 Storytellers, VH1 Studios, New York, NY, USA)liveBilly Idol5:03
2007-04-25Dancing With Myself (live, 2007-04-25: Le Grand Rex, Paris, France)cover und liveNouvelle Vague2:49
2007-12-07Dancing With Myself (live, 2007-12-07: Aula Magna, Lisbon, Portugal)cover und liveNouvelle Vague2:54
2009-07-01Dancing With Myself (live, 2009: Congress Theater, Chicago, IL, USA)liveBilly Idol?:??
2014-07-02Dancing With Myself (live, 2014-07-02: Vienna, Austria)liveBilly Idol5:39
2015-09-18Dancing With Myself (live, 2015-09-18: Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN, USA)liveBilly Idol4:16
Dancin Wiv MyselfcoverBilly Nomates2:48
Dancin' With Myself (live, 2005-06-05: Rock am Ring, Nürburgring, Nuremberg, Germany)cover und liveBilly Idol?:??
Dancin' With Myself (live: USA)cover und liveBilly Idol5:10
Dancin' With Myselfcover30footFALL5:26
Dancin' With Myself (live: USA)liveBilly Idol4:56
Dancin’ With Myself (live, 1987-08-12: Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA, USA)cover und liveBilly Idol5:01
Dancin’ With MyselfGeneration X3:48
Dancing With My WealthcoverGeneration X5:06
Dancing with MyselfcoverThe Dollyrots3:03
Dancing with MyselfcoverBilly Idol3:47
Dancing With Myself (part of “Antrologia” DJ-mix)coverBilly Idol2:16
Dancing With MyselfcoverBilly Idol4:04
Dancing With Myself (live)cover und liveBilly Idol5:45
Dancing With Myself (12″ version)Billy Idol5:59
Dancing With MyselfcoverStrupppicore?:??
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:48
Dancing With Myself (live, 1990-11-29: Palarussardi, Milan, Italy)liveBilly Idol5:08
Dancing With Myself (live, 1984-02: Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles, CA, USA)liveBilly Idol5:10
Dancing With MyselfcoverEl Conjunto Nueva Ola3:54
Dancing With Myself (live, 2009-01-31: Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus, Vienna, Austria)liveNouvelle Vague?:??
Dancing With MyselfcoverNouvelle Vague3:09
Dancing With MyselfcoverTaylor Locke2:49
Dancing With MyselfcoverStrvngers3:47
Dancing With Myself (live, 1984: USA)liveBilly Idol6:38
Dancing With MyselfcoverStar☠Rats13:04
Dancing With MyselfcoverThe Dollyrots3:03
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:48
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X4:52
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:45
Dancing With MyselfBilly Idol with Generation X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X4:51
Dancing With MyselfBilly Idol with Generation X4:48
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:50
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:47
Dancing With MyselfGen X3:47
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:46
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:46
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:25
Dancing With Myself (single version)Billy Idol3:20
Dancing With MyselfcoverPeter Stampfel3:54
Dancing With MyselfcoverThe Donnas3:26
Dancing With MyselfcoverThe Pussybats3:57
Dancing With MyselfcoverThe Pussybats3:55
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:47
Dancing With Myselfcoverblink‐1822:57
Dancing With MyselfcoverGlee Cast3:11
Dancing With MyselfcoverThe Boomtang Boys4:06
Dancing With MyselfcoverStarrats13:04
Dancing With MyselfcoverLaura Bell Bundy5:30
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:12
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:26
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:51
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:34
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:19
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X3:20
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X4:48
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X5:58
Dancing With Myselfcover30footFALL5:11
Dancing With MyselfGeneration X4:51
Dancing With Myself (live, 2001-04-01: VH1 Storytellers, VH1 Studios, New York, NY, USA)cover und liveBilly Idol4:58
Dancing With MyselfcoverBilly Idol5:16
Dancing With MyselfcoverCary Brothers3:40
Dancing With Myself (7″ version)Gen X3:30
Dancing With Myself (extended version)Generation X5:24
Dancing With Myself (extended version)Gen X6:05
Dancing With Myself (live at Hatfield Poly)liveGeneration X3:49
Dancing With Myself (RAC remix)coverBilly Idol3:34
Dancing With Myself (Uptown mix)coverBilly Idol5:59
The 80's Retro Medley Part 2Medley und teilweiseMark Roberts14:29