
Verfasser(in):Lebo M (producer/composer Lebohang Morake)
Mark Mancina (American score composer)
Jay Rifkin
publisher:Walt Disney Music Company, Inc. (music publisher, do not use as release label)
Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (a division of Disney Music Publishing)
日音 Synch事業部
Wikidata:Q5688852 [Info]
spätere übersetzte Version:Sie leben hier
お前のなかに生きている (ライオン・キング)
Teil von:The Lion King (stage musical)


He lives in youcoverTina Turner4:44
He Lives in YouLebo M4:51
He Lives in YouDiana Ross4:53
He Lives in YouErich Kunzel, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra3:44
He Lives in YouLebo M3:08
He Lives in YouLebo M5:06
He Lives in Youcover[unknown]?:??
He Lives in You (reprise) (The Lion King, 1997 original Broadway cast)Jason Raize, Tsidii Le Loka & The Lion King Ensemble4:14
He Lives in You (Small Slideshow Clip)teilweiseLebo M0:20
He Lives In You (The Lion King)Michael Ball & Alfie Boe4:42
Lion King (medley)MedleyMichael Crawford5:59
They Live in You (The Lion King, 1997 original Broadway cast)Samuel E. Wright and Ensemble2:59
They Live in You (The Lion King, 1997 original Broadway cast)Samuel E. Wright & Ensemble3:02