
Verfasser(in):Jordan Fish
Lee Malia
Oliver Sykes
publisher:Copyright Control (not for release label use! this is only for copyrights and publishing relationships)
Liedtextseite: [Info]
Allmusic: [Info]
Wikidata:Q21186609 [Info]


2014-12-05Go to Hell, for Heaven’s SakeliveBring Me the Horizon4:21
2014-12-05Go to Hell, for Heaven’s Sake (live, 2014-12-05: Wembley Arena, London, England)liveBring Me the Horizon4:34
2016-04-22Go to Hell, for Heaven’s Sake (live, 2016-04-22: Royal Albert Hall, London, England)liveBring Me the Horizon5:09
Go to Hell, for Heaven's SakeBring Me the Horizon3:35
Go to Hell, for Heaven’s SakeBring Me the Horizon4:03
Go to Hell, for Heaven’s Sake (Rogue remix)Bring Me the Horizon4:48