~ Lied
Verfasser(in): | Brittany Hazzard (US singer, songwriter & rapper) Katy Perry Sean Anderson Wayne Vaughn Maurice White (Earth, Wind & Fire) Adam Wiles Pharrell Williams |
publisher: | EMI April Music Inc. EMI Music Publishing (do not use as a release label!) EMI Music Publishing/Sony ATV EMI Pop Music Publishing Hipgnosis Side A More Water from Nazareth Music Sales Corp (American copyright holder in both popular and classical music) My Last Publishing People Over Planes Sony/ATV These Are Songs of Pulse (ASCAP) TSJ Merlyn Licensing B.V. Universal Music Corporation (USA, affiliated with ASCAP) WC Music Corp. When I’m Rich You’ll Be My Bitch |
Liedtextseite: | https://genius.com/Calvin-harris-feels-lyrics [Info] |
SecondHandSongs: | https://secondhandsongs.com/work/171073 [Info] |
Allmusic: | https://www.allmusic.com/song/mt0054487066 [Info] |
Songfacts: | https://www.songfacts.com/facts/calvin-harris/feels [Info] |
Wikidata: | Q30303535 [Info] |