Robbie Basho

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ID VIAF :49509558 [info]
Wikidata :Q3938177 [info]
Songkick : [info] : Basho [info]


A Study for Steel StringguitareRobbie Basho2:59
Ackerman SpecialguitareRobbie Basho1:16
Apres Midi AmericanguitareRobbie Basho1:56
Bardo BluesguitareRobbie Basho7:28
Black Hills SoliloquyguitareRobbie Basho3:40
Black Lotus — Hymn to FugenguitareRobbie Basho9:05
Blue Crystal FireguitareRobbie Basho4:49
Bride DivineguitareRobbie Basho3:28
Bury My Heart at Wounded KneeguitareRobbie Basho3:20
Call on the WindguitareRobbie Basho3:04
Cathedrals et Fleur de LisguitareRobbie Basho7:00
Cathedrals et Fleur de LisguitareRobbie Basho8:00
Chung Mei - Chinese OrchidguitareRobbie Basho8:10
Crashing ThunderguitareRobbie Basho5:19
Dravidian SundayguitareRobbie Basho6:36
Eagle Sails the Blue Diamond WatersguitareRobbie Basho6:45
Elk Dreamer’s LamentguitareRobbie Basho4:17
Green River SuiteguitareRobbie Basho7:46
Home AgainguitareRobbie Basho3:53
Khali GibranguitareRobbie Basho5:55
Khoda é Gul é Abe (The Lord of the Blue Rose)guitareRobbie Basho9:31
Kowaka d’AmourguitareRobbie Basho9:45
Leaf in the WindguitareRobbie Basho4:46
Legend of Mount TamalpiasguitareRobbie Basho5:27
MeheraguitareRobbie Basho3:20
Mountain Man’s FarewellguitareRobbie Basho8:39
Moving Up A’WaysguitareRobbie Basho6:02
Night WayguitareRobbie Basho6:14
Oriental Love SongguitareRobbie Basho5:57
Orphan’s LamentguitareRobbie Basho3:47
Pasha IIguitareRobbie Basho6:33
Pavan IndiaguitareRobbie Basho7:11
Rainbow ThunderguitareRobbie Basho6:42
Redwood RambleguitareRobbie Basho2:40
Rhapsody in DruzpianoRobbie Basho19:54
Rocky Mountain RagaguitareRobbie Basho7:39
RodeoguitareRobbie Basho2:32
Sansara in Sweetness After SandstormguitareRobbie Basho6:09
Scottish RitesguitareRobbie Basho4:38
Seal of the Blue LotusguitareRobbie Basho7:41
Song for the QueenguitareRobbie Basho9:29
Street DakiniguitareRobbie Basho6:31
The Dharma PrinceguitareRobbie Basho10:06
The Golden ShamrockguitareRobbie Basho8:43
The Grail and the LotusguitareRobbie Basho6:02
The Grail and the LotusguitareRobbie Basho6:36
The Long LullabyguitareRobbie Basho5:32
The PathfinderguitareRobbie Basho3:28
The White BuffaloguitareRobbie Basho4:19
Variations on Clair de LuneguitareRobbie Basho3:36
Variations on EasterguitareRobbie Basho4:01
Variations on EzumiguitareRobbie Basho4:03
Variations on GriegguitareRobbie Basho5:02
Venus in CancerguitareRobbie Basho9:30
Wine Song (Sweet Wine of Love)guitareRobbie Basho5:49
ZarthusguitareRobbie Basho2:55
Bardo BluesRobbie Basho7:28
Black Lotus — Hymn to FugenRobbie Basho9:05
Dravidian SundayRobbie Basho6:36
Mountain Man’s FarewellRobbie Basho8:39
Sansara in Sweetness After SandstormRobbie Basho6:09
Seal of the Blue LotusRobbie Basho7:41
Rhapsody in DruzRobbie Basho19:54
A Day in the Life of Lemmeria
Bardo Blues
Black Lotus — Hymn to Fugen
Blue Crystal Fire
California Raga
Call on the Wind
Cathedral et Fleur de Lis
Clair de Lune (for Twelve‐String)
Death Song
Dravidian Sunday
Elk Dreamer’s Lament
German Chocolate Cake
Green River Suite
Interlude 1
Interlude 2
Interlude 3
Kateri Takawaitha
Laughing Thunder, Crawling Thunder
Leaf in the Wind
Mountain Man’s Farewell
Night Way
Orphan’s Lament
Pavan India
Redwood Ramble
Rocky Mountain Raga
Sansara in Sweetness After Sandstorm
Seal of the Blue Lotus
Song of Great Mystery
Song of the Stallion
The Butterfly of Wonder
The Grail and the Lotus
Thunder Love
Thunder Sun
Variations on Easter
Blue Crystal Fire