Church Window

~ Personne

Nom légal : Robert Babicz

Se produit aussi comme : Acid Warrior, Atlon Inc., Department of Dance, Dicabor, Gnork (acid techno), Origin (German electronic artist Robert Babicz, key track "Acid!"), Pumpgun Pro, Ra-Patera (Robert Babicz, acid techno), Rob Acid, Sontec


Album + Compilation

1994Genetic Error 3: The Acid ChapterVarious Artists1
1996Essential TechnoVarious Artists1
1996Acid Flash, Volume 4Various Artists1
1999Acid Traxx, Volume 1Various Artists1
1999Acid Traxx, Volume 2Various Artists1
2002Acid Traxx Volume 7Various Artists1
2003Hardcore & AcidVarious Artists1

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