Mutt (Canadian Drum n Bass producer Sean Roman)

~ Personne


ParutionArtisteFormatPistesPays / DateLabelNo dans le catalogue Code-barres
DublitesMutt12" Vinyl2
  • GB2005-09-26
Horizons MusicHZN004
Advance Money / Training SuiteMutt12" Vinyl2
  • GB2007-06-18
Breakbeat ScienceBBS026
Conversations / InvitationsMutt feat. Kevin King12" Vinyl2
  • GB2009-10-14
C.I.A. Deep Kut (D&B imprint of C.I.A. Records)CIADK021
Ice Cold Soul / ConversationsLenzman & Switch / Mutt feat. Kevin KingDigital Media2
  • XW2014-03-03
C.I.A. (UK drum n bass founded by Total Science)CIAUKLTDR002[aucun]
Hot Lick Squeeze (R.I.P. Jay Dilla) / Just the Kind OfMutt12" Vinyl2
Creative SourceCRSE 00455025071000457
Sin City / SicknessMutt & Rhizome12" Vinyl2
  • GB2006-06-19
Creative SourceCRSE00435025071000433
Sinnerman EPMutt & Tedder12" Vinyl2
  • NL2016-12-02
Fokuz RecordingsFOKUZ086
Lynx Is Playing at My House / It's Pouring Once AgainSinistarr / Mutt12" Vinyl2
  • GB2009-01-13
Horizons MusicHZN 031
Shades of Blue, Part 1Mutt12" Vinyl2
  • GB2006-05-01
Horizons MusicHZN009
Lynx Is Playing at My House / It's Pouring Once AgainSinistarr / MuttDigital Media2
  • GB2009-01-13
Horizons MusicHZN031
Off the Cuff / OverMutt12" Vinyl2
  • GB2009-03-02
Inside Recordings (Drum and bass label)INSIDE007
Treading WaterMuttCD15
Inside Recordings (Drum and bass label)INSIDECD001666017203324
Credence / Sharon's SongMuttVinyl2
  • GB2006-05-29
Intrinsic RecordingsINTRINSIC003
Watching You / VirtueAlix Perez, Redeyes & Mutt12" Vinyl2
Prestige MusicPM 001
Salt / RicketsMutt / Skitty12" Vinyl2
ProgressPRG 003
Risk / Easy on the MotionRandom Movement / Mutt & Calculon12" Vinyl2
  • GB2011-03-07
Rubik RecordsRRT017
X-Cellence / SoulickSyncopix & M. Sauer / Mutt & PerpetuumDigital Media2
  • XW2007-01-01
Spearhead Records (UK drum & bass)SPEAR010
Kush Talk / Draw on MeMuttDigital Media2
  • XW2008-01-01
Spearhead Records (UK drum & bass)SPEAR015
Kush Talk / Draw on MeMutt12" Vinyl2
  • GB2008-01-28
Spearhead Records (UK drum & bass)SPEAR15
Blue / Glory BoxMutt(unknown)2
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