Account FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions: General FAQ · Account FAQ · Editing FAQ · Introduction to Voting

This page answers Frequently Asked Questions about accounts and forgotten login information.

If this page doesn't answer your question, please ask it in the MetaBrainz Forum or contact us. If you would like to update this page on the wiki, feel free to do so but please do not add questions without answers.

Do I have to provide an email address?

You don't need to provide an email address, unless you want to change the contents of the database. If you do, the email address will need to be verified, so that other MusicBrainz editors can better communicate with you.

Why should I provide my email address?

If you enter your email address:

  • You will be able to enter changes into the database (see Introduction to Editing).
  • Other editors will be able to send messages using the "Send email to editor" function.
  • You will be notified when edit notes are added to your edits.
  • You will have the option to subscribe to the artists you like and be notified when new edits are entered for them.

In all cases your email address will not be revealed to other MusicBrainz users.

What about my privacy?

Rest assured that we will not pass your email address on to anyone, including other MusicBrainz users, without your most explicit consent. At any time you can fill in your email address if it's currently blank, blank it if it's currently filled in, or change from one address to another. Read on for the full MusicBrainz Privacy Policy.

We will not send you any newsletters, promotional mailings, etc.

I think I know my username but I've forgotten my password. Can I retrieve it?

If you've previously entered and confirmed your email address, then use the Forgot your password? link.

Otherwise, please see the answer to the next question, "Why won't the web site accept my login name and password?"

Why won't the login page accept my username and password?

Please send us an email providing as much of the following information as accurately as possible:

  • Your username (or as much as you can remember of it)
  • Your password (or as much as you can remember of it)
  • The email address you registered with
  • When you registered
  • When you last successfully logged in
  • When you last tried and failed to log in

With this information we'll be able to look into the problem and help you.

How do I change my username?

We don't have an option for users to easily change their username, since we try to ensure everyone can be recognised by the community. That said, username change requests can be sent via support email, and will generally be accepted unless you're trying to change your username quite often. If you're using ListenBrainz, keep in mind that the project does not support username changes at the moment (although we hope to change that eventually), so you'll need to choose between keeping your username or your old listens.

How do I delete my account?

You can't completely delete your account. We need to keep at least the information that an account existed at some point, so that the database is kept consistent. However, you can automatically remove all your personal information by editing your profile and clicking the delete account link.

This will irreversibly rename your account and clear your password, biography, email address, preferences, subscriptions, collections, ratings and tags, as well as prevent any further logins.

Are there any codes of conduct or rules?

Yes, there is a Code of Conduct and it applies to all users of MusicBrainz from the newest editors to seasoned auto-editors.