Cover Art Archive

The Cover Art Archive is a cooperation between the Internet Archive and MusicBrainz to form a repository of music cover art (e.g. the covers of CDs) that is freely and easily accessible. The Cover Art Archive is stored on the Internet Archive's servers and curated by the MusicBrainz community. The images for any release are indexed by MusicBrainz Release ID (MBID).


To know more about submitting cover art to the Cover Art Archive, see How to Add Cover Art


To know more about the API to fetch cover art from the Cover Art Archive, see our API page


These covers are being collected for archival purposes, and the collection will be accessible to the public. Use the images at your own risk. The Internet Archive's policy can be read here.

We ask that you:

  • Be respectul of the rights of the artists and labels.
  • Go make the music industry a better place.
  • Go make the world a better place.
  • Go make cool stuff.