
An editor (previously called moderator) is user who contributes to MusicBrainz by entering edits into the database. All editors are expected to follow the MusicBrainz Code of Conduct.

Some editors have special privileges which are discussed below. There is a list of these editors available on the server.


Auto-editors are trusted users who have been given "auto-editor" privileges. These privileges allow them to make select edits that are automatically approved without going through the normal voting process, as well as the ability to instantly approve other users' edits.

Obligations of an auto-editor

"With great power comes great responsibility" - Uncle Ben (of Spider Man fame)

While auto-editors can be thought of as having more "power" than other users, they should always align themselves to the Code of Conduct. Furthermore, they should be able to look beyond their nose and take an objective point of view regarding the data they edit. Being familiar with the various editing aspects of the site is important, as well as having a clear grasp of the style guidelines.

Additionally, while it is good to be an expert in certain areas of the database (e.g. certain musical genres or specific artists), every auto-editor should be comfortable enough with the basic editing fundamentals that they are able to edit outside their realm of expertise.

Becoming an auto-editor

In order to become an auto-editor, you must first be nominated by an existing auto-editor and then have your nomination put to a vote. See auto-editor election for more information.

Relationship editors

Relationship editors are users who have the ability to modify relationship types and attributes on the server.

In general, these changes are decided and implemented through the style process. If you feel that a relationship should be added or changed, please follow said process.

Transclusion editors

Transclusion editors are users who have the permission to change the version of the transcluded WikiDocs documents, and thus update the documentation shown in the MusicBrainz /doc area.

Location editors

Location editors are users who have the ability to edit and add areas.