Picard Resources

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Tools, scripts and links related to MusicBrainz Picard that are not appropriate, usually because of their informal nature, for the official Picard resources.

For official guides, help, plugins, etc, please visit the official Picard website or the official Picard documentation.

Other resources


Informal/niche Picard plugins that are not in the official plugin list.

Plugin Info Author Link/s
Combine Performer Tags Creates a multi-value variable %_performers% from the relationship data downloaded by Picard when “Use track relationships” is enabled in the Option settings. rdswift Forums/Download (github)
Chinese script conversion Convert track listings between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese script (Linux only, requires OpenCC to be installed separately). Philipp Wolfer Forums/Github
Picard Sözler Fetches lyrics from the lrclib project. Synced lyrics are prioritized over the unsynced ones. Requires no configuration or API keys. denizenging Github

Tagger scripts

For help understanding and modifying scripts, see the official scripting documentation.

Are you looking for a script that is not on this list? Make sure to search the Repository for neat file name string patterns and tagger script snippets forum thread.

Script Info Author Link/s
Compatible MP3 tags Tags with better compatibility with mixed format libraries (e.g. a mix of MP3 files and FLAC files). Moves Picard fields so they look the same as FLAC files in foobar2000. yindesu Forums
Only set a single tag (complete $unset tag list) Will stop any standard MusicBrainz/Picard tag from being overwritten, except the ones you manually remove. aerozol Forums
foobar2000-compatible Vorbis Comment sort tags (for FLAC/OGG/OPUS) Moves the Picard-default Vorbis Comment fields for better compatible with a mixed-format library in foobar2000. yindesu Forums
Single value COMPOSER field If there is more than one composer, this tagger script moves %composer% and %composersort% to %composers% and %composers_sort%, respectively. yindesu Forums
Reformat catalog numbers as a range Reformat multiple release labels/catalog numbers into a simple string of text that is a range. e.g. (KDSD-10012, KDSD-10013) becomes (KDSD-10012~3). yindesu Forums
Standardize Japanese CV artist credit whitespace and punctuation Japanese websites tend to present elements of CV artist credits without whitespace. Includes 2 tagger scripts (“A” and “B”) to standardize your personal library (remove whitespace or add whitespace). yindesu Forums
MusicBee taggerscript for standardizing artists and setting display artist Sets MusicBee-specific tags for display artist and guest artist based on feat. and other similar join phrases UltimateRiff Forum Thread/version 2

File naming scripts

For more information on how to write a file naming script, see the official documentation.

Script Info Author Link/s
UltimateRiff’s Super-Special-Awesome Filenaming Script (name pending) File naming script to sort into alphabetical folders (A, B, C, etc.) and then into individual artists. UltimateRiff Forums