Police in Dub

~ Parution par Dubxanne (afficher toutes les versions de cette parution, 1 proposée)

Liste de pistes

CD 1
1Walking on the Moon (Walking on the Dub)
reprise recording of :
Walking on the Moon
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
Virgin Music, Inc. (The American arm of Virgin's publishing company) et Virgin Publishing (le 1979)
2Roxanne - (Dubxanne) - Dub version
voix invité :
Eased from Seeed
reprise recording of :
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
Virgin Music (publisher and label, only for releases with Virgin MUSIC logo)
3Can't Stand Losing You (Can't Stand Losing Dub)
reprise recording of :
Can’t Stand Losing You
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
EMI Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS-affiliated), Magnetic Publishing Ltd. et Virgin Music (publisher and label, only for releases with Virgin MUSIC logo)
4The Bed's Too Big Without You (The Bed's Too Big without Dub)
voix invité :
Ranking Roger
reprise recording of :
The Bed’s Too Big Without You
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
Virgin Music, Inc. (The American arm of Virgin's publishing company)
5Driven to Tears (Driven to Dub)
reprise recording of :
Driven to Tears
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
Control (not for release label use! this is only for copyrights and publishing relationships) (terminé), EMI Blackwood Music Inc. (1989-07-24–present) (terminé), Magnetic Publishing Ltd., Chappell Music (UK) (du 1980 à ????), Chappell Music Co. (du 1980 à ????), Virgin Music (Publishers) Ltd. (du 1980 à ????), Virgin Music, Inc. (The American arm of Virgin's publishing company) (du 1980 à ????), Virgin Publishing (du 1984 à ????), EMI Music Publishing, Ltd. (PRS-affiliated) (du 2003 à ????) et Songs of Universal, Inc. (du 2022-02 à ce jour)
6Message in a Bottle (Message in a Dub)
voix invité :
reprise recording of :
Message in a Bottle
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
EMI Blackwood Music Inc. (1989-07-24–present) et Virgin Music, Inc. (The American arm of Virgin's publishing company)
7Once Upon a Daydream (Once Upon a Dubdream)
reprise recording of :
Once Upon a Daydream
parolier :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
compositeur :
Andy Summers
8Spirits in a Material World (Spirits in a Dubworld)
voix invité :
Benjamin Zephaniah
reprise recording of :
Spirits in the Material World
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
EMI Music Publishing Ltd. (PRS-affiliated) et Magnetic Publishing Ltd.
partie de :
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
9Someone to Talk To (Someone to Dub to)
reprise recording of :
Someone to Talk To
parolier et compositeur :
Andy Summers
10So Lonely (So Dub)
voix invité :
Big Youth
reprise recording of :
So Lonely
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
Virgin Music (publisher and label, only for releases with Virgin MUSIC logo)
11Regatta de Blanc (Reggatta de Dub)
reprise recording of :
Reggatta de Blanc
auteur :
Stewart Copeland, Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police) et Andy Summers
publisher :
Police Songs (Publishing company for UK band The Police) et Virgin Music, Inc. (The American arm of Virgin's publishing company)
12Wrapped Around Your Finger (Wrapped Around Your Dub)
voix invité :
Jazz'min (German dub poetress, Jasmine Ntoutoume)
reprise recording of :
Wrapped Around Your Finger
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
13Bring On the Night (Dub On the Night)
reprise recording of :
Bring On the Night
parolier et compositeur :
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
publisher :
Virgin Music, Inc. (The American arm of Virgin's publishing company)


Groupe de parution

hommage à :The Police (British rock band)