Album + Remix

ParutionArtisteFormatPistesPays / DateLabelNo dans le catalogue Code-barres
Animal + Cannibal: The Remix AlbumKe$haDigital Media13
RCA (RCA Records: simple ‘RCA’ or ‘RCA’ with lightning bolt in circle)884977911206
I Am the Dance Commander + I Command You to Dance: The Remix AlbumKe$haDigital Media10
  • XW2011-03-18
RCA (RCA Records: simple ‘RCA’ or ‘RCA’ with lightning bolt in circle)884977922042
I Am the Dance Commander + I Command You to Dance: The Remix AlbumKe$haCD10
  • US2011-03-22
Kemosabe (imprint of Kemosabe Records), RCA (RCA Records: simple ‘RCA’ or ‘RCA’ with lightning bolt in circle)88697-86508-2886978650825
I Am the Dance Commander + I Command You to Dance: The Remix Album (clean)Ke$haCD9
  • US2011-03-22
RCA (RCA Records: simple ‘RCA’ or ‘RCA’ with lightning bolt in circle)88697-87386-2886978738622
Animal + Cannibal: The Remix AlbumKe$haCD13
  • JP2011-08-27
RCA (RCA Records: simple ‘RCA’ or ‘RCA’ with lightning bolt in circle)SICP 30474547366058796


soutien artiste & répertoire :Rani Hancock
direction créative :Erwin Gorostiza
remix de :Animal + Cannibal
Discogs : [info]
autres bases de données : [info]
Allmusic : [info]
Wikidata :Q2300779 [info]

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