harmonium (Portable Indian reed organ)

~ Blaasinstrument


Not to be confused with European upright reed organ also commonly known as "Harmonium".
Also known as the samvadini, it was developed in India from imported reed organs. Consists of a wooden box-shape with a keyboard and a bellows in the back; both are operated by the same player, often a singer. While upright versions exist, they are rare.


type:rietorgel (Organ with free reeds)
afgeleid van:regaal (Portable bellowed reed organ)
afbeelding:https://staticbrainz.org/irombook/harmonium/harmonium.png [info]
Wikidata:Q213461 [info]
andere databases:https://saisaibatake.ame-zaiku.com/gakki/gakki_jiten_harmonium.html [info]