
~ Platenmaatschappij


UitgaveArtiestType mediumNummersLand/DatumCatalogus#Streepjescode
The Tall Timber ManHarley Gabbard12" Vinyl12
"Moon" MullinsPaul Mullins12" Vinyl20
LP 3004
Sings Good BluegrassCharlie Moore12" Vinyl12
LP 3011
No Destination / Paradise Beyond CompareAppalachian GrassVinyl2
The Vetco SessionsCharlie Moore12" Vinyl24
CD 3011\13[geen]
Thank God for Old GloryJ.D. JarvisVinyl10
LP 3016
The Bluegrass TouchEarl Taylor and the Stoney Mt. Boys12" Vinyl16
LP 3017
Til We Meet Here Again, or AboveThe Hotmud Family12" Vinyl16
LP 501
Stone Mountain WobbleThe Hotmud Family12" Vinyl13
LP 503
Good Time GirlKatie Laur Band12" Vinyl11
The Bluegrass TarheelsThe Bluegrass Tarheels12" Vinyl12
LP 3020
The Hutchison Bros.The Hutchison Bros.12" Vinyl12
LP 505
Buckeyes In The Briar PatchThe Hotmud Family12" Vinyl11
LP 507
Josh Graves with Bobby Smith & The Boys From ShilohJosh Graves with Bobby Smith & The Boys From Shiloh12" Vinyl11
LP 3025
Body and SoulEarl Taylor and the Stoney Mountain Boys12" Vinyl12
LP 3026
New Traditions Vol. 1Mac Wiseman with The Shenandoah Cut Ups12" Vinyl12
LP 508
Old Time Mountain MusicCountry Ham12" Vinyl15
Vetco 510
Cookin’ With KatieKatie Laur Band12" Vinyl11
LP 3028[geen]
New Traditions Vol. 2Mac Wiseman with The Shenandoah Cut Ups12" Vinyl12
LP 509
Country HamCountry Ham12" Vinyl14
LP 512
The Hutchison Bros. BandThe Hutchison Bros. Band12" Vinyl11
Years in the MakingThe Hotmud Family12" Vinyl13
LP 513
Shot Jackson & FriendsShot Jackson12" Vinyl12
Misbehavin’Katie Laur Band12" Vinyl12
LP 3032[geen]
Dave Evans and The River BendDave Evans and The River BendVinyl11
Vetco 3033
Where the Mountain Laurel BloomsCountry Ham12" Vinyl15
Vetco LP 515
Playing It SimpleJosh Graves with Dave Evans, Buddy Griffin, David PinsonVinyl10
LP 3037
The Old Country ChurchCountry Ham12" Vinyl14
LP 519
Roll On Muddy RiverMuddy River12" Vinyl12
Call Me Long GoneDave Evans and River BendVinyl10
My Old Paint MareCountry Ham12" Vinyl15
Electric Canticles of the Blacklight BrailleBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl8
LP 707
A New Look A New SoundThe Wood Brothers12" Vinyl11
Candy MountainThe Wood Brothers12" Vinyl12
The Zauzomank AlbumBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl14
LP 710
Songs of YesterdayCountry Ham12" Vinyl15
Vetco 522
Time to PrayWilson Brothers12" Vinyl11
Vetco 523
Greet the FoolBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl15
Songs of Mother and HomeCountry Ham12" Vinyl14
LP 526
One True RockBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl9
The Carmarthen Album: Echos From the Black Book of CarmarthenBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl9
The Lyonesse AlbumBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl10
He Showed Me the WayThe Goins Brothers12" Vinyl12
VETCO 3043[geen]
Anchored in LoveCountry Ham12" Vinyl12
Vetco 528
Too Blue to CryWild & BlueCassette12
VETCO 3050
Car OchrenBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl12
The Avallon Towers AlbumBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl16
The Dietles Tavern CDBlacklight BrailleCD16
CD 601[geen]
The Carbonek AlbumBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl11
LP 727
The White Hill AlbumBlacklight Braille12" Vinyl9
LP 728
Happy Ever AfterWild & BlueCassette12
VETCO 3061
Fiddle InstrumentalsJoe Meadows with Country HamCD16
CD 531
Zauzomank CastleBlacklight BrailleCD14
CD 604
Camelot CastleBlacklight BrailleCD21
CD 605
SeachangeBlacklight BrailleCD12
CarmarthenBlacklight BrailleCD16
CD 603
Sleep Not YetBlacklight BrailleCD15
CD 607
Into the World of the GodsBlacklight BrailleCD15
Vetco 613
The Vetco Sessions of Dave Evans and River BendDave Evans and River BendCD21CD 3033/36