Midnights (mahogany)

~ Uitgave van Taylor Swift (Bekijk alle versies van deze uitgave, 74 beschikbaar)


12″-vinyl 1
A1Lavender Haze
Jack Antonoff, Ken Lewis (recording engineer and mixer) (kleine trom [snare]), Laura Sisk en Jahaan Sweet (producer) (fluit, bas [bass, bass pad], synthesizer [juno])
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff en Sounwave
assisterend technicus:
Mark Aguilar, Jonathan Garsia, John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
aanvullend producent:
Braxton Cook (US saxophonist)
Jack Antonoff, Sounwave, Jahaan Sweet (producer) en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
bas [bass, bass pad], fluit en synthesizer [juno]:
Jahaan Sweet (producer)
drumstel [drums], mellotron, percussie, synthesizer [modular synth, Juno 6] en Wurlitzer elektrische piano [Wurlitzer]:
Jack Antonoff
kleine trom [snare]:
Dominic Rivinius
Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew en Zoë Kravitz
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Henson Recording Studios (former A&M Studios) in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, Verenigde Staten, Neon Wave Studio in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Duitsland (kleine trom [snare]), Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten en The Sweet Spot in Los Angeles, California, Verenigde Staten (fluit, bas [bass, bass pad], synthesizer [juno])
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Lavender Haze
Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew, Jahaan Akil Sweet (producer), Zoë Kravitz, Mark Anthony Spears en Taylor Swift
Beat Bully Spears, Ducky Donath Music, Greyscape Songs, Sony/ATV Allegro, Sony/ATV Ballad, Sony/ATV Songs LLC, TASRM Publishing en The Sweet Life, LLC
Taylor Swift3.5?:??
Jack Antonoff, Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (klarinet, fluit, saxofoon, orgel)
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
bas, elektrische gitaar, percussie, piano en synthesizer [modular synth, Juno 6]:
Jack Antonoff
fluit, klarinet, orgel en saxofoon:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (klarinet, fluit, saxofoon, orgel) en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift3.65?:??
Jack Antonoff, Jon Gautier (viool) en Laura Sisk
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
akoestische gitaar, drumstel [drums], mellotron, percussie, synthesizer [modular synth, Prophet 5, Juno 6], Wurlitzer elektrische piano [Wurlitzer] en achtergrondvocalen:
Jack Antonoff
Bobby Hawk
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten en Sound House Studios in Lakeland, Florida, Verenigde Staten (viool)
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
Anti‐Hero (music video) van Taylor Swift
recording of:
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
had de première bij:
The 1975 at Their Very Best: London (2023-01-12) (night 1)
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift3.95?:??
A4Snow on the BeachTaylor Swift feat. Lana Del Rey3.35?:??
A5You’re on Your Own, Kid
Jack Antonoff, Sean Hutchinson (percussie, drumstel [drums]), Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (synthesizer [synths])
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
bas, elektrische gitaar [electric guitars], mellotron, Moog synthesizer, synthesizer [Juno 6] en achtergrondvocalen:
Jack Antonoff
drumstel [drums]:
Sean Hutchinson
Jack Antonoff en Sean Hutchinson
synthesizer [synths]:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Hutchinson Sound in Brooklyn, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten (percussie, drumstel [drums]), Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (synthesizer [synths]) en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
You’re on Your Own, Kid
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift4.15?:??
A6Midnight Rain
Jack Antonoff en Laura Sisk
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
drumstel [drums], Moog synthesizer, percussie en synthesizer [Juno 6, modular synth, Prophet 5]:
Jack Antonoff
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Midnight Rain
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift2.65?:??
Jack Antonoff, Sean Hutchinson (percussie, drumstel [drums]), Ken Lewis (recording engineer and mixer) (drumstel [drums]), Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (synthesizer [synths])
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
Jonathan Garsia, John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
drumstel [drums]:
Sean Hutchinson en Dominic Rivinius
klappen [crowd applause]:
Jack Antonoff, Rachel Antonoff (Sister of Jack Antonoff of fun. and Steel Train), Dylan O'Brien en Austin Swift
mellotron, synthesizer [Juno 6] en achtergrondvocalen:
Jack Antonoff
Jack Antonoff en Sean Hutchinson
synthesizer [synths]:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Hutchinson Sound in Brooklyn, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten (percussie, drumstel [drums]), Neon Wave Studio in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Duitsland (drumstel [drums]), Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (synthesizer [synths]) en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift3.1?:??
B2Vigilante Shit
Jack Antonoff, Ken Lewis (recording engineer and mixer) (drumstel [drums]), Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (synthesizer [synths])
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
Jonathan Garsia, John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
drumstel [drums]:
Dominic Rivinius
Moog synthesizer, percussie, synthesizer [Juno 6] en Wurlitzer elektrische piano [Wurlitzer]:
Jack Antonoff
synthesizer [synths]:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Neon Wave Studio in Pirmasens, Rheinland-Pfalz, Duitsland (drumstel [drums]), Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (synthesizer [synths]) en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Vigilante Shit
Taylor Swift
TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift2.6?:??
Jack Antonoff, David Hart (engineer) (keyboard [keys]), Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (synthesizer [synths])
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
akoestische gitaar, bas, duimpiano [kalimba], Moog synthesizer, percussie, synthesizer [Juno 6, DX7, OB1] en achtergrondvocalen:
Jack Antonoff
keyboard [keys]:
Mikey Freedom Hart
synthesizer [synths]:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Big Mercy Sound in Brooklyn, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten (keyboard [keys]), Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (synthesizer [synths]) en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
Bejeweled (music video) van Taylor Swift
recording of:
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift3?:??
Jack Antonoff en Laura Sisk
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
elektrische gitaar [electric guitars], Moog synthesizer, percussie, synthesizer [Juno 6, realistic synths, OB8] en achtergrondvocalen:
Jack Antonoff
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift2.9?:??
B5KarmaTaylor Swift2.6?:??
B6Sweet Nothing
Jack Antonoff, Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (klarinet, fluit, saxofoon, orgel)
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
drumstel [drums], Moog synthesizer, percussie, piano en synthesizer [Juno 6, modular synth, Prophet 6]:
Jack Antonoff
fluit, klarinet, orgel en saxofoon:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (klarinet, fluit, saxofoon, orgel) en Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Sweet Nothing
William Bowery en Taylor Swift
TASRM Publishing en William Bowery Music Publishing
Taylor Swift3.35?:??
Jack Antonoff, Zem Audu (Nigerian saxophonist and keyboardist) (saxofoon [saxophones]), David Hart (engineer) (Minimoog), Jon Gautier (viool), Michael Riddleberger (drumstel [drums]), Laura Sisk en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player) (saxofoon [saxophones], synthesizer [synths])
geprogrammeerd door:
Jack Antonoff en Mikey Freedom Hart
assisterend technicus:
John Rooney (engineer), Megan Searl en Jon Sher
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
assisterende mixer:
Bryce Bordone
Serban Ghenea
drumstel [drums]:
Jack Antonoff en Michael Riddleberger
elektrische gitaar [electric guitars], percussie, synthesizer [Juno] en achtergrondvocalen:
Jack Antonoff
Jack Antonoff en Mikey Freedom Hart
saxofoon [saxophones]:
Zem Audu (Nigerian saxophonist and keyboardist) en Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
synthesizer [synths]:
Evan Smith (Woodwind (flute, saxophone, clarinet) player)
Bobby Hawk
Taylor Swift
fonografisch auteursrecht (℗):
Taylor Swift (in 2022)
opgenomen bij:
Audu Music Studio in Brooklyn, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten (saxofoon [saxophones]), Big Mercy Studio in Brooklyn, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten (Minimoog), Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten, Moultrie Studios in Brooklyn, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten (drumstel [drums]), Pleasure Hill Recording in Portland, Maine, Verenigde Staten (saxofoon [saxophones], synthesizer [synths]), Rough Customer Studio in Brooklyn Heights, New York, New York, Verenigde Staten en Sound House Studios in Lakeland, Florida, Verenigde Staten (viool)
gemixt bij:
MixStar Studios in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Verenigde Staten
recording of:
Jack Antonoff en Taylor Swift
Ducky Donath Music, Sony/ATV Songs LLC en TASRM Publishing
Taylor Swift3.35?:??