
UitgaveArtiestType mediumNummersLand/DatumPlatenmaatschappijCatalogus#Streepjescode
What Do I Do With MeTanya TuckerCD10
Capitol Records Nashville, Columbia House (direct-mailing distributor of club editions of releases)CDP 595562[geen]
What Do I Do With MeTanya TuckerCD10
Capitol Records NashvilleC2 95562077779556229
What Do I Do With MeTanya TuckerCassette10
Capitol Records NashvilleC4 95562
What Do I Do With MeTanya TuckerCD10
Capitol Records NashvilleCCP 5955620208314203272
What Do I Do With MeTanya TuckerCD10
Capitol Records NashvilleCDP 7 95562 2077779556229
What Do I Do With MeTanya TuckerDigital Media10
Capitol Records Nashville5099950146253


Allmusic: [info]
Wikidata:Q7991044 [info]

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