Database Statistics

Last updated: 2023-05-15


This type onlyIncluding subtypes
Area-Area relationships:118,904 0.3%
has part118,904 118,904 100.0%
Area-Artist relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Event relationships:5,029 0.0%
{entity1} was held in {entity0}5,029 5,029 100.0%
Area-Instrument relationships:580 0.0%
{entity1} is an instrument from {entity0}580 580 100.0%
Area-Label relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Place relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Recording relationships:126,222 0.3%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} engineered in {entity0}1,606 123,211 97.6%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} edited in {entity0}523 523 0.4%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} mixed in {entity0}2,600 2,600 2.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} recorded in {entity0}118,400 118,400 96.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} remixed in {entity0}82 82 0.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} produced in {entity0}1,738 1,738 1.4%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} shot in {entity0}1,087 1,087 0.9%
{entity1} was arranged in {entity0}186 186 0.1%
Area-Release relationships:33,266 0.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} engineered in {entity0}96 2,085 6.3%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} {re}mastered in {entity0}321 325 15.6%
{entity1}'s lacquer was cut in {entity0}4 4 1.2%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} edited in {entity0}41 41 2.0%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} mixed in {entity0}190 190 9.1%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} recorded in {entity0}1,432 1,432 68.7%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} remixed in {entity0}1 1 0.0%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} produced in {entity0}259 259 0.8%
{entity1} was arranged in {entity0}17 17 0.1%
{entity1} was manufactured in {entity0}22,571 22,571 67.9%
{entity1} was printed in {entity0}8,334 8,334 25.1%
Area-Release Group
Area-Release Group relationships:0 0.0%
Area-Series relationships:208 0.0%
{entity1} was held at {entity0}208 208 100.0%
Area-URL relationships:379,120 1.0%
is a page in a database for11 379,120 100.0%
has a Geonames page at147,816 147,816 39.0%
has a Wikidata page at118,835 118,835 31.3%
has a Wikipedia page at112,458 112,458 29.7%
Area-Work relationships:5,619 0.0%
{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}97 97 1.7%
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{entity1} was {additional:additionally} arranged in {entity0}33 33 0.9%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} composed in {entity0}2,116 2,116 60.0%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} translated in {entity0}6 6 0.2%
{entity1} was revised in {entity0}21 21 0.6%
The libretto for {entity1} was {additional:additionally} written in {entity0}1 1 0.0%
The lyrics for {entity1} were {additional:additionally} written in {entity0}314 314 8.9%
{entity1} was premiered in {entity0}1,648 1,648 29.3%
Artist-Artist relationships:607,238 1.5%
musical relationship0 574,544 94.6%
collaborated {minor:minorly} {additional:additionally} on7,055 7,055 1.2%
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is a tribute to1,193 1,193 0.2%
is/was {additional:an|a} {additional} {original} {eponymous} member of458,661 458,661 79.8%
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is/was a subgroup of2,416 2,416 0.4%
is/was a supporting artist for1,833 6,956 1.2%
does/did {instrument} support for4,099 4,099 58.9%
does/did {vocal:%|vocals} support for1,024 1,024 14.7%
is/was artistic director for715 715 0.1%
performed the voice of8,053 8,053 1.4%
performs as56,200 56,200 9.8%
taught22,608 22,608 3.9%
was a composer-in-residence at153 153 0.0%
was renamed into456 456 0.1%
personal relationship0 32,694 5.4%
has {half:half-}{step}sibling11,689 11,689 35.8%
is named after272 272 0.8%
is the {step}parent of11,890 11,890 36.4%
is/was married to7,489 7,489 22.9%
is/was romantically involved with1,354 1,354 4.1%
Artist-Event relationships:180,588 0.5%
guest performer at5,504 5,504 3.0%
host at2,178 2,178 1.2%
non-performing relationships0 152 0.1%
had tribute event140 140 92.1%
was an engineer at12 12 7.9%
taught at57 57 0.0%
was a conductor at1,552 1,552 0.9%
was a main performer at147,575 147,575 81.7%
was a support act at21,972 21,972 12.2%
was a supporting DJ at285 285 0.2%
was an orchestra at1,313 1,313 0.7%
Artist-Instrument relationships:88 0.0%
invented88 88 100.0%
Artist-Label relationships:44,437 0.1%
contract0 18,673 42.0%
had a creative position at1,725 1,725 9.2%
had a producer position at1,724 1,724 9.2%
had a recording contract with14,766 14,766 79.1%
had an artists and repertoire position at159 159 0.9%
had an engineer position at299 299 1.6%
ownership0 25,764 58.0%
founded16,574 16,574 64.3%
has personal label3,638 3,638 14.1%
has personal publisher4,007 4,007 15.6%
owns1,545 1,545 6.0%
Artist-Place relationships:32,856 0.1%
{entity1} is named after {entity0}260 260 0.8%
{entity1} is/was the primary concert venue of {entity0}615 615 1.9%
founded2,741 2,741 8.3%
is connected to the educational institution0 21,222 64.6%
is associated with418 418 2.0%
studied at16,044 16,044 75.6%
taught at4,760 4,760 22.4%
owns879 879 2.7%
was {assistant} organist at843 843 2.6%
was a composer-in-residence at476 476 1.4%
works as an engineer at4,394 5,820 17.7%
works as a mastering engineer at886 886 15.2%
works as a mixing engineer at197 197 3.4%
works as a recording engineer at343 343 5.9%
Artist-Recording relationships:13,411,722 33.9%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged381,593 455,451 3.4%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged {instrument:%|instruments} on30,366 64,494 14.2%
{additional:additionally} orchestrated34,128 34,128 52.9%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged {vocal:%|vocals} on9,364 9,364 2.1%
performance0 8,654,063 64.5%
{additional:additionally} {guest} {solo} performed250,426 7,215,283 83.4%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {instrument:%|instruments} on5,006,447 5,006,447 69.4%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {vocal:%|vocals} on1,958,410 1,958,410 27.1%
{additional:additionally} conducted761,498 761,498 8.8%
orchestra {additional:additionally} performed637,158 637,158 7.4%
performed {additional} chorus master on26,668 26,668 0.3%
was the {guest} concertmaster for13,456 13,456 0.2%
production0 4,027,807 30.0%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }engineered622,010 2,328,755 57.8%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}audio engineered12,066 12,066 0.5%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}balance engineered89,253 89,253 3.8%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}edited194,957 194,957 8.4%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}mastered2,490 2,490 0.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}mixed623,096 623,096 26.8%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}sound engineered82,996 82,996 3.6%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} programmed {instrument:% on}74,892 74,892 3.2%
was {additional} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}recording engineer for626,083 626,995 26.9%
recorded field recordings for912 912 0.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced1,632,412 1,632,412 40.5%
has a miscellaneous role on13,489 66,640 1.7%
{entity1} has {additional} photography by {entity0}28 28 0.0%
holds phonographic copyright (℗) for30,372 30,372 45.6%
provided {additional} art direction on2,901 2,901 4.4%
provided {additional} creative direction on2,957 2,957 4.4%
provided {additional} design/illustration on430 430 0.6%
provided artist & repertoire support for1,767 1,767 2.7%
provided booking for113 113 0.2%
provided legal representation for105 105 0.2%
published14 14 0.0%
was the {instrument:%|instruments} technician for14,464 14,464 21.7%
remixes and compilations0 250,799 1.9%
{additional:additionally} remixed190,486 190,486 76.0%
{entity1} contains {additional} samples by {entity0}2,146 2,146 0.9%
compiled891 891 0.4%
DJ-mixed57,276 57,276 22.8%
video0 23,602 0.2%
appears on video12,862 12,862 54.5%
directed the video10,740 10,740 45.5%
Artist-Release relationships:1,034,643 2.6%
composition0 48,296 4.7%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged8,278 13,932 28.8%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged {instrument:%|instruments} on3,332 5,135 36.9%
{additional:additionally} orchestrated1,803 1,803 35.1%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged {vocal:%|vocals} on519 519 3.7%
{additional:additionally} wrote11,625 34,364 71.2%
{additional:additionally} composed16,190 16,190 47.1%
{additional:additionally} translated337 337 1.0%
{additional:additionally} wrote the libretto for86 86 0.3%
{additional:additionally} wrote the lyrics for6,126 6,126 17.8%
performance0 369,534 35.7%
{additional:additionally} {guest} {solo} performed12,456 362,512 98.1%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {instrument:%|instruments} on261,415 261,415 72.1%
performed {additional} {guest} {solo} {vocal:%|vocals} on88,641 88,641 24.5%
{additional:additionally} conducted3,868 3,868 1.0%
orchestra {additional:additionally} performed2,271 2,271 0.6%
performed {additional} chorus master on546 546 0.1%
was the {guest} concertmaster for337 337 0.1%
production0 592,043 57.2%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }engineered37,750 194,195 32.8%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{re}mastered90,284 91,292 47.0%
cut the lacquer for1,008 1,008 1.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}audio engineered794 794 0.4%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}balance engineered175 175 0.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}edited4,495 4,495 2.3%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}mixed27,441 27,441 14.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}sound engineered2,070 2,070 1.1%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} programmed {instrument:% on}6,219 6,219 3.2%
was {additional} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}recording engineer for23,917 23,959 12.3%
recorded field recordings for42 42 0.2%
{additional:additionally} {assistant} {associate} {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced111,617 111,617 18.9%
has a miscellaneous role on9,937 286,231 48.3%
{entity1} has {additional} photography by {entity0}73,502 73,502 25.7%
{sub:sub-}published363 363 0.1%
{translator:translated|wrote} {additional} liner notes for43,441 43,441 15.2%
edited the booklet of2,588 2,588 0.9%
holds copyright (©) for11,278 11,278 3.9%
holds phonographic copyright (℗) for9,477 9,477 3.3%
licensed187 187 0.1%
provided {additional} art direction on21,937 21,937 7.7%
provided {additional} artwork on10,770 110,448 38.6%
provided {additional} design on32,705 56,498 51.2%
provided {additional} graphic design on23,793 23,793 42.1%
provided {additional} design/illustration on25,746 25,746 23.3%
provided {additional} illustration on17,434 17,434 15.8%
provided {additional} legal representation for1,509 1,509 0.5%
provided booking for1,185 1,185 0.4%
was the {instrument:%|instruments} technician for379 379 0.1%
remixes and compilations0 24,770 2.4%
{additional:additionally} remixed1,673 1,673 6.8%
{entity1} contains {additional} samples by {entity0}151 151 0.6%
compiled8,762 8,762 35.4%
DJ-mixed {medium:% of}14,184 14,184 57.3%
Artist-Release Group
Artist-Release Group relationships:11,692 0.0%
{entity1} is a tribute to {entity0}5,884 5,884 50.3%
{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}882 882 7.5%
is named after50 50 0.4%
provided {additional} creative direction on1,014 1,014 8.7%
provided artist & repertoire support for3,862 3,862 33.0%
Artist-Series relationships:30,764 0.1%
{entity1} is named after {entity0}117 117 0.4%
event artists0 1,604 5.2%
{entity1} is a residency by {entity0}38 38 2.4%
{entity1} is a tour by {entity0}1,528 1,528 95.3%
founded38 38 2.4%
is a part of28,311 28,311 92.0%
work cataloguing0 732 2.4%
{entity1} catalogues the work of {entity0}553 553 75.5%
catalogued179 179 24.5%
Artist-URL relationships:4,125,889 10.4%
discography0 114,322 2.8%
has a BBC Music page at6,767 6,767 5.9%
has a biography page at57,329 57,329 50.1%
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has an interview at6,567 6,567 5.7%
get the music0 614,126 14.9%
can be streamed at68,035 68,035 11.1%
has Apple Music page at4 4 0.0%
has Bandcamp page at121,683 121,683 19.8%
has CD Baby page at3,100 3,100 0.5%
has YouTube Music channel at4,061 4,061 0.7%
music can be downloaded for free at5,830 5,830 0.9%
music can be purchased for download at116,729 116,729 19.0%
music can be purchased for mail-order at6,765 6,765 1.1%
music can be streamed for free at287,919 287,919 46.9%
has a page in a database at437,026 2,178,544 52.8%
has a Bandsintown page at9,060 9,060 0.4%
has a BookBrainz page at323 323 0.0%
has a CPDL page at179 179 0.0%
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online data0 939,307 22.8%
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has a crowdfunding page at393 393 0.0%
has a patronage page at2,569 2,569 0.3%
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has an official video channel at7,190 125,079 13.7%
has an official YouTube channel at117,889 117,889 94.3%
has an online community page at4,970 4,970 0.5%
Artist-Work relationships:2,987,736 7.6%
composition0 2,977,485 99.7%
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{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged {instrument:%|instruments} on4,056 13,227 20.4%
{additional:additionally} orchestrated9,171 9,171 69.3%
{additional:additionally} {co:co-}arranged {vocal:%|vocals} on756 756 1.2%
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{additional:additionally} composed1,549,413 1,549,413 53.2%
{additional:additionally} translated20,817 20,817 0.7%
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{additional:additionally} wrote the lyrics for652,079 652,079 22.4%
reconstructed549 549 0.0%
revised2,687 2,687 0.1%
{entity1} was previously attributed to {entity0}1,359 1,359 0.0%
had a miscellaneous role on594 10,251 0.3%
{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}4,854 4,854 47.4%
{entity1} was premiered by {entity0}972 972 9.5%
{sub:sub-}published2,549 2,549 24.9%
commissioned1,173 1,173 11.4%
is named after109 109 1.1%
Event-Event relationships:14,859 0.0%
has parts14,134 14,134 95.1%
was rescheduled as725 725 4.9%
Event-Instrument relationships:0 0.0%
Event-Label relationships:0 0.0%
Event-Place relationships:59,807 0.2%
was held at59,807 59,807 100.0%
Event-Recording relationships:103,954 0.3%
{entity1} was {additional:additionally} shot at {entity0}5,990 5,990 5.8%
{entity1} was recorded at {entity0}97,964 97,964 94.2%
Event-Release relationships:12,382 0.0%
{entity1} was available at {entity0}5,817 5,817 47.0%
{entity1} was recorded at {entity0}6,481 6,481 52.3%
was a launch event for84 84 0.7%
Event-Release Group
Event-Release Group relationships:535 0.0%
was a launch event for209 209 39.1%
was a performance of326 326 60.9%
Event-Series relationships:37,352 0.1%
is a part of37,352 37,352 100.0%
Event-URL relationships:52,533 0.1%
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has an official YouTube channel at139 139 65.3%
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Event-Work relationships:2,020 0.0%
{entity1} was premiered at {entity0}2,020 2,020 100.0%
Instrument-Instrument relationships:1,311 0.0%
has child46 1,311 100.0%
has derived instrument130 130 9.9%
has part163 163 12.4%
has subtype827 827 63.1%
is related to106 145 11.1%
is a hybrid of39 39 26.9%
Instrument-Label relationships:5 0.0%
{entity1} invented {entity0}5 5 100.0%
Instrument-Place relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Recording relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Release relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Release Group
Instrument-Release Group relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-Series relationships:0 0.0%
Instrument-URL relationships:1,473 0.0%
has a page in a database at183 1,103 74.9%
has a Wikidata page at920 920 83.4%
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information page65 65 4.4%
Instrument-Work relationships:0 0.0%
Label-Label relationships:25,273 0.1%
business association0 25,273 100.0%
has imprint3,589 3,589 14.2%
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is/was reissuing the catalog of304 304 1.2%
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was renamed into1,754 1,754 6.9%
Label-Place relationships:391 0.0%
owns391 391 100.0%
Label-Recording relationships:447,123 1.1%
contracted tasks0 11,782 2.6%
{entity1} was {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced for {entity0}9,901 9,901 84.0%
{entity1} was arranged for {entity0}409 409 3.5%
{entity1} was mixed for {entity0}1,472 1,472 12.5%
has a miscellaneous role on287 287 0.1%
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Label-Release relationships:316,325 0.8%
contracted tasks0 2,015 0.6%
{entity1} was {co:co-}{executive:executive }produced for {entity0}1,108 1,108 55.0%
{entity1} was arranged for {entity0}12 12 0.6%
{entity1} was manufactured for {entity0}864 864 42.9%
{entity1} was mixed for {entity0}31 31 1.5%
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{entity1} was licensed to {entity0}13,019 13,019 4.5%
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glass mastered1,936 1,936 6.2%
pressed3,062 3,062 9.8%
marketed8,951 8,951 3.1%
printed679 679 0.2%
promoted794 794 0.3%
is the rights society associated with21,622 21,622 6.8%
Label-Release Group
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{entity1} is a tribute to {entity0}160 160 100.0%
Label-Series relationships:2,870 0.0%
publishes series2,870 2,870 100.0%
Label-URL relationships:272,574 0.7%
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can be streamed at92 92 0.5%
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music can be downloaded for free at166 166 0.9%
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music can be purchased for mail-order at563 563 2.9%
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has a page at484 484 0.3%
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Label-Work relationships:393,562 1.0%
{entity1} is dedicated to {entity0}8 8 0.0%
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commissioned714 714 0.2%
Place-Place relationships:4,495 0.0%
has part4,157 4,157 92.5%
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Recording-Release Group
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