La musique classique pour les nuls

~ Release by Various Artists (see all versions of this release, 2 available)


CD 1: Le Moyen-Âge, La Renaissance, Le Baroque
1Chant Grégorien : Puer Natus in Bethleem
sound engineer:
Angel Barco
Maria Francisca Bonmati
choir vocals:
Coro de monjes del Monasterio Benedictino de Santo Domingo de Silos (in 1981-05)
chorus master:
Francisco Lara (Gregorian chant specialist, musicologist, professor of history and music sciences) (in 1981-05)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
Hispavox, S.A. (not for release label use! Spanish record company) (in 1981)
recorded at:
Iglesia del Monasterio Benedictino de Santo Domingo de Silos in Santo Domingo de Silos, Burgos, Castilla y León, Spain (in 1981-05)
recording of:
Puer natus in Bethlehem (original Piæ cantiones 1625 version)
lyricist and composer:
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
part of:
Piæ cantiones (1625)
2Missa Papae Marcelli : Sanctus (Extr.)Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina1:52
3Madrigaux 8e livre : Hor che'l ciel e la terra (extr.)
Anthony Rooley (lute player / conductor)
Consort of Musicke
partial recording of:
Hor che’l ciel e la terra e’l vento tace SV 147
Claudio Monteverdi
part of:
Stattkus-Verzeichnis (number: SV 147)
part of:
Ottavo Libro de’ Madrigali: Canti Guerrieri
Claudio Monteverdi1:24
4Le Bourgeois gentilhomme : Marche pour la cérémonie des TurcsJean‐Baptiste Lully2:04
5Te Deum H. 146 : Prélude
orchestra and performer:
Les Arts Florissants
William Christie (harpsichordist and conductor)
recording of:
Te Deum, H. 146: Prélude
Marc‐Antoine Charpentier (composer)
Copyright Control (not for release label use! this is only for copyrights and publishing relationships)
part of:
Te Deum, H. 146
Marc‐Antoine Charpentier1:37
6Le Tic-toc-choc ou Les MaillotinsFrançois Couperin2:37
7La PouleJean-Philippe Rameau3:05
Taverner Players
Andrew Parrott (conductor)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
EMI Records Ltd. (not for release label use! UK parent of EMI-owned labels until Sept 2012) (in 1988)
recording of:
Canon and Gigue in D major, T. 377: I. Canon
Johann Pachelbel (composer)
part of:
Canon and Gigue in D major, T. 377
Johann Pachelbel3:40
9Music for a while
classical guitar and guitar:
Craig Ogden (guitarist)
countertenor vocals:
David Daniels (American countertenor)
classical guitar arranger:
Craig Ogden (guitarist)
recording of:
Oedipus, King of Thebes, Z. 583: II. "Music for a While"
John Dryden (English poet)
Henry Purcell (baroque composer)
part of:
Oedipus, King of Thebes, Z. 583
Henry Purcell3:49
10Gloria, RV589 : Gloria in excelsis Deo
choir vocals:
New Philharmonia Chorus (London choir aka New Philharmonia Chorus from 1964–1977)
New Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra, known as New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976)
Riccardo Muti (conductor)
recording of:
Gloria, RV 589: I. Gloria in excelsis Deo (edited by Malipiero)
Anonymous (Special Purpose Artist)
additional composer:
Gian Francesco Malipiero (composer)
Antonio Vivaldi
is based on:
Gloria in D major, RV 589: I. Gloria in excelsis Deo
part of:
Gloria, RV 589 (edited by Malipiero)
Antonio Vivaldi2:26
11Concerto pour mandoline en ut majeur, RV425 : Allegro
Nicolas Bartholomée
editor and balance engineer:
Alessandra Galleron
mandolin [Mandoline]:
Giovanni Scaramuzzino (mandolinist) (from 2001-10-09 until 2001-10-12)
Europa Galante (from 2001-10-09 until 2001-10-12, in 2002)
Fabio Biondi (violinist) (from 2001-10-09 until 2001-10-12, in 2002)
recorded at:
San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy (from 2001-10-09 until 2001-10-12)
recording of:
Concerto for Mandolin in C major, RV 425: I. Allegro (from 2001-10-09 until 2001-10-12)
Antonio Vivaldi
part of:
Concerto for Mandolin in C major, RV 425
recording of:
Concerto for Mandolin in C major, RV 425: I. Allegro (in 2002)
Antonio Vivaldi
part of:
Concerto for Mandolin in C major, RV 425
Antonio Vivaldi3:12
12Les Quatres Saisons. Le Printemps : Allegro
Nicolas Bartholomée
violin [Violine]:
Fabio Biondi (violinist) (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
Europa Galante (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
Fabio Biondi (violinist) (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
balance engineer:
Frédéric Briant
recorded at:
Studio Tibor Varga in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
recording of:
Concerto in E major, op. 8 no. 1, RV 269 “La primavera”: I. Allegro (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
Antonio Vivaldi (in 1723)
part of:
Concerto in E major, op. 8 no. 1, RV 269 “La primavera”
Antonio Vivaldi3:02
13Les Quatres Saisons. L'Été : Presto
Nicolas Bartholomée
violin [Violine]:
Fabio Biondi (violinist) (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
Europa Galante (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
Fabio Biondi (violinist) (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
balance engineer:
Frédéric Briant
recorded at:
Studio Tibor Varga in Sion, Valais, Switzerland (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
recording of:
Concerto in G minor, op. 8 no. 2, RV 315 “L’estate”: III. Presto (from 2000-07 until 2000-10)
Antonio Vivaldi (in 1723)
part of:
Concerto in G minor, op. 8 no. 2, RV 315 “L’estate”
Antonio Vivaldi2:26
14Jésus que ma joie demeure (Cantate BWV147)
Anthony Griffith (engineer)
Walter Legge (British classical record producer, 1906-1979)
piano [Klavier]:
Dinu Lipatti (Romanian classical pianist and composer) (on 1950-07-10)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
EMI Records Ltd. (not for release label use! UK parent of EMI-owned labels until Sept 2012) (in 1951)
recorded at:
Studio 2, Radio Geneva in Genève, Genève, Switzerland (on 1950-07-10)
recording of:
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desire, from BWV 147 (for piano, Myra Hess) (on 1950-07-10)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
piano arranger:
Dame Myra Hess (pianist)
arrangement of:
Kantate, BWV 147 „Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben“: Teil II, X. Choral „Jesus bleibet meine Freude“ (Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring)
Johann Sebastian Bach3:25
15Passion selon St Jean, BWV245 : Chœur d'entrée. Herr unser Herrscher (extr.)
choir vocals:
Taverner Consort
Taverner Players
Andrew Parrott (conductor)
partial recording of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245: Teil I. No. 1 Chorus "Herr, unser Herrscher"
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Johannes-Passion, BWV 245
Johann Sebastian Bach3:22
16Le Clavier bien tempéré : Livre I, Prélude en ut majeur, BWV846Johann Sebastian Bach1:55
17Suite pour violoncelle seul no.1 en sol majeur, BWV1007 : Prélude
assistant engineer:
Alain Joubert (in 1991-03)
executive producer:
Мстислав Ростропович (cellist)
Guy Chesnais (producer)
Mstislav Rostropovich (cellist) (in 1991-03)
balance engineer:
Raymond Buttin (engineer) (in 1991-03)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
SGOL Music Ltd. (in 1995)
recorded at:
Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Vézelay in Vézelay, Yonne, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France (in 1991-03)
recording of:
Suite für Violoncello solo no. 1 G-Dur, BWV 1007: I. Prélude (in 1991-03)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Suite für Violoncello solo no. 1 G-Dur, BWV 1007
Johann Sebastian Bach2:05
18Concerto brandebourgeois no.2 en fa majeur, BWV1047 : Allegro (extr.)Johann Sebastian Bach1:42
19Concerto pour clavier no.4 en fa mineur, BWV1056 : Adagio
piano [Klavier]:
David Fray (pianist) (from 2008-01-29 until 2008-02-01)
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen (from 2008-01-29 until 2008-02-01)
David Fray (pianist)
recording of:
Concerto no. 5 for Keyboard and Orchestra in F minor, BWV 1056: II. Largo (from 2008-01-29 until 2008-02-01)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Concerto no. 5 for Keyboard and Orchestra in F minor, BWV 1056
Johann Sebastian Bach3:07
20Toccata et Fugue en ré mineur, BWV565 : Toccata
Lionel Rogg (organist) (from 1975-11-25 until 1975-12-04)
recorded at:
Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Genève in Genève, Genève, Switzerland (from 1975-11-25 until 1975-12-04)
recording of:
Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565: I. Toccata (from 1975-11-25 until 1975-12-04)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
part of:
Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Johann Sebastian Bach2:32
21Suite pour orchestre no.3 en ré majeur, BWV1068 : Air
English Chamber Orchestra (in 1988-01)
Philip Ledger (in 1988-01)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:
EMI Records Ltd. (not for release label use! UK parent of EMI-owned labels until Sept 2012) (in 1991) and Virgin Classics (absorbed into Erato since 2013-07-19) (in 1991)
recording of:
Orchestersuite Nr. 3 D-Dur, BWV 1068: II. Air (catch-all for unknown versions/arrangements)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician)
reconstructed by:
Siegbert Rampe (harpsichordist and conductor)
arrangement of:
Orchestersuite Nr. 3 D-Dur, BWV 1068: II. Air (Air on the G string)
recording of:
Orchestersuite Nr. 3 D-Dur, BWV 1068: II. Air (Air on the G string)
Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1730)
part of:
Orchestersuite Nr. 3 D-Dur, BWV 1068
Johann Sebastian Bach4:50
22Adriano in Siria : Tutti nemeci, e reiJohann Christian Bach2:41
23Sonate pour clavier en fa mineur, Kk.519Domenico Scarlatti3:14
24Le Messie "Alleluia !"
choir vocals:
Taverner Choir (in 1988-04)
Taverner Players (in 1988-04)
Andrew Parrott (conductor) (in 1988-04)
The Taverner Choir, Consort & Players (in 1988-04)
recorded at:
Abbey Road Studios: Studio 1 in St John's Wood, Westminster, London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1988-04)
recording of:
Messiah, HWV 56: Part II, no. 44. Chorus: “Hallelujah” (in 1988-04)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer) (in 1741)
part of:
Messiah, HWV 56: Part II
George Frideric Handel4:00
25Sarabande (arr. Hale)
Academy of St Martin in the Fields
Alexander Briger (conductor)
recording of:
Suite de pièce in D minor, Vol. 2 no. 4, HWV 437: IV. Sarabande (catch-all for arrangements)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
arrangement of:
Suite de pièce in D minor, Vol. 2 no. 4, HWV 437: IV. Sarabande
George Frideric Handel3:24
26Music for the Royal Fireworks : La Réjouissance
Menuhin Festival Orchestra (in 1968)
Yehudi Menuhin (violinist) (in 1968)
recording of:
Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351: IV. La Réjouissance (in 1968)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer) (in 1749)
part of:
Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV 351
George Frideric Handel2:22
27Zadok the priest (extr.)
choir vocals:
Royal Choral Society
London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO)
Sir Andrew Davis (conductor, keyboardist, composer, arranger)
partial recording of:
The Four Coronation Anthems: “Zadok the Priest”, HWV 258
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer) (in 1727)
premiered at:
Westminster Abbey in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (on 1727-10-11)
part of:
Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: HWV 258)
part of:
The Four Coronation Anthems
George Frideric Handel2:17
28Stabat Mater : Stabat Mater dolorosaGiovanni Battista Pergolesi3:57
CD 2: Le Style classique
CD 3: L'Essor du romantisme
CD 4: L'Apogée du romantisme
CD 5: Les Nations dans la musique classique
CD 6: En route vers la modernité



part of:pour les nuls (French) (order: 6)
ASIN:FR: B004258O70 [info]