Frances the Mute

~ Release by The Mars Volta (see all versions of this release, 13 available)


There are only two Frances the Mute entries. One with five tracks, and one with 12 with the last 8 labeled as Cassandra Gemini I, Cassandra Gemini II, etc. ("Cassandra Gemini" is misspelled on the CD as "Cassandra Geminni". See the official spelling on the TMV site: The movements listed for Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore (A. Vade Mecum, B. Pour Another Icepick, etc.) and Cassandra Gemini (A. Tarantism, B. Plant a Nail in the Navel Stream, etc.) do not correlate with the actual tracks on the CD. The only reason for the song Cassandra Gemini being split like this is because if they did not, this album would technically be considered an EP.

Annotation last modified on 2010-04-02 15:15 UTC.


CD 1
1Cygnus....Vismund Cygnus4.4513:02
2The Widow45:51
3L’Via L’Viaquez4.612:22
4Miranda That Ghost Just Isn’t Holy Anymore413:10
5Cassandra Gemini I4.254:46
6Cassandra Gemini II4.256:40
7Cassandra Gemini III4.252:56
8Cassandra Gemini IV4.257:41
9Cassandra Gemini V45:00
10Cassandra Gemini VI43:48
11Cassandra Gemini VII4.250:47
12Cassandra Gemini VIII4.250:54