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license for:Addicted by Red Light Rippers
Trailer Trash Trixie by Red Light Rippers
license for:4 Quartets for Strings and Winds by Mozart; American Baroque
8 Bit Orbit by iNTROSPEKT
8hr session: 8th October. 10 am – 6 pm. by J. Nilsson Project
12 String by Jeff Wahl
14 Days by Plunkett
24 Days by Etherine
A Beautiful Chaos by Anton Cosmo
A Celebration of Robert Burns by Shira Kammen
A Celtic Celebration by Da Camera
A Diary of Occurrences by The Glimmer Room
A Dream Play by S.J. Petterson
A Jailhouse... A Kingdom by Mikal Evans
A Light in the Darkness by Jeff Wahl
A Pale But Lasting Hope by Mystified
Acoustic Abstracts by Heavy Mellow
Across the Night by Rildrim
Addict by Kalotone
After Dinner Lounge by DJ Cary
After Hours by AlmaNova
Afterburner by Seismic Anamoly
Ahsas by Solace
Alchemy by Cargo Cult
Algoriddims by Superdirt²
Align by Indidginus
All is Well by Hans Christian
Almeria by Fernwood
Aluminum Forest by Aluminum Forest
Amber by Jay Kishor
Ambiencellist by Fitch
Ambiencellist, Part II by Claire Fitch
Ambiencellist, Part II by Claire Fitch
Ambitronika L1 by Petar Alargic
Ambulatory by The Wretch
An Evening With Bach by Johann Sebastian Bach; Voices of Music, David Tayler
Analog Disease by Dr Kuch
Angel by David Modica
Angelus by Zephyrus
Another Ride by Chad Farran
Apa Ya by The Headroom Project
Aqua Delphinidae by Saros
Arás by Curandero
Architects of Time by Ben Rusch
As the Ruin Falls by D.P. Kaufman
Ashek by Tim Rayborn
Askold Buk by Askold Buk
Assumpta est Maria by Vox Nostra
Automatic Ordinary by Five Star Fall
Balance by Solace
Balancing Spheres by Paul Avgerinos
Baroque Lute Duets by Edward Martin and Paul Berget
Beat Generation Mad Trick by Emma's Mini
Beginning of a Journey by Yumi Kurosawa
Bereru by The Headroom Project
Bestiary by Robert Rich
Bestiary by Robert Rich
Beyond Human by Sterling
Beyond the Circle by Osamu Kitajima & Chris Mancinelli
Black Cow by Jacob Heringman
Blackbird by Justin Bianco
Blame Not My Lute by Jacob Heringman
Bliss by Paul Avgerinos
Blue Ribbon - The Best of William Brooks by William Brooks
Bootstrap Physics by Timothy Vajda
Box of Fysh by Etherfysh
Brad Senne by Brad Senne
Brave New World by Sterling
Build a Cannon by Mikal Evans
By The Way by Tilopa
Calabashmoon by Daniel Berkman
Cançonièr by Cançonièr
Cantata Series, Volume VI: Favorite Cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach; American Bach Soloists, Jeffrey Thomas
Celocity by Claire Fitch
Chants of the Russian Orthodox Church by Monks and Metropolitan Choirs of Kiev Pechersk Lavra
Chordae by Tim Rayborn
Christian Themes in Ukrainian Folk Songs by Drevo
Christmas Carols by Ralph Rousseau Meulenbroeks
Christmas Music by Various Artists
Christmas Music by Various Artists
Christmas Through the Gateway by Osamu Kitajima & Chris Mancinelli
Cidar by Rapoon
Cinema of Dreams by Hans Christian
Circa Diem by Indidginus
Ciri a Doro by The Headroom Project
Classic Guiliani by AlmaNova
Classical (Magnatune Compilation) by Various Artists
Classient Vinyl L1 by Petar Alargic
Close Up by Nick Kingsley
Cold Reflections by Cari Live
Colonization by Chris Harvey
Conversations Galantes by Louis-Gabriel Guillemain; Ensemble Mirable
Cool Silence by AndrewPlusJohn
COS by The Headroom Project
Countryside Stroll by Cari Live
Crux by Emmalee Crane
Curandero by Curandero
Cypress Grove Blues by Jag
Cyst by The Wretch
Cyst by The Wretch
Dalliance by Emavision
Danza y diferencias by Santiago de Murcia; Richard Savino
Dark Rites of Mesmer by Mystified
Datacube by Jarkko Hietanen
Daydream by Robin Stine
Dead Man's Hand by Seismic Anamoly
Dear Friend Dopamine by Where's Moo
Death of a Speaker by Kalotone
Debut by AlmaNova
Deep Life by Swivel Neck Jones
Delirious by Human Response
Depth of My Heart by Gopal
Desire to Destroy by Blind Divine
Detective Tension by Mystified
Devouring the Beautiful by Blind Divine
Distant Activity by Adam Fielding
Distant Activity by Adam Fielding
Dominus Illuminato Mea by The Headroom Project
Downtempo Chill by DJ Cary
Downtempo Chill 2 by DJ Cary
Dreamer by Human Response
Dreams From the Machine by Falik
Dreamscapes by Rejuvenescence
Dusty Porch by John Williams
Dusty Porch by Josh Williams
Each of Us by Ya Elah
Eastern Grooves by DJ Cary
Echo of Small Things by Robert Rich
Echo of Small Things by Robert Rich
El Maestro by Luis Milán; Catherine King, Jacob Heringman
Electro Retro by Ambient Teknology
Electroluv by Mr Gelatine
Electromélange: A Collection of Trip-Hop, Club and Ambient by DJ Cary
Electronica by Various Artists
Elements by John Holowach
Elements at Loop 10 by Liquid Zen
Elvolution by Falik
Enchanted Wind by Suzanne Teng
Envelopes by macabro
Epic by ABA Structure
Epigrams by Mantic
Epoch by Dr Sounds
Eponyms by Belief Systems
Eponyms by Mantic
EPROMs by Belief Systems
EPROMs by Mantic
Evenings at the Microscope by Jerry Berlongieri
Everything in Nature by Broken Poets
Evil Must Die by My Woshin Mashin
Evolution of the Mind by DJ Markitos
Evolution of the Mind by DJ Markitos
Faces of Epiphany by Kenji Williams
Faith by Falling You
Falik's Revenge by Falik
Fall Submissions by AntiGuru
Feast or Famine by Indidginus
Fever Dreams by Endless Blue
File in Rhythm by Beight
Filthy Dirty by Wicked boy
Finality by Justin Bianco
fjord by fjord
For Relaxation by Anjey Satori
Forever by Blisaed
Forge by Justin Bianco
Fragmentary Proof by Philipp Weigl
From the Silence by Logic Gate
From Zero to Hero by Block Scholars
Fruitless by Lisa DeBenedictis
Funk Factor by Jive Ass Sleepers
Future Forever by Ion
Future Shock by Tokee
Give Me a Perfect World by Sun Palace
Gleam by Etherine
Gnosis by Paul Avgerinos
Goldberg Variations by Bach; Janine Johnson
Goldberg Variations: Guitar by Andreas Almqvist
Golden Dreams by Anjey Satori
Goode Christemas Musicke by Stephane Potvin and the Con Brio Choir
Gravity by Artemis
Gravity by Artemis
Grey Mirrors by The Glimmer Room
Guinevere by Jeff Wahl
Guitarscapes by Jeff Wahl
Hands Upon Black Earth by Hands Upon Black Earth
Hands Upon Black Earth by Hands Upon Black Earth
Handshake Smiles by Arthur Yoria
Hang by Laura Inserra
Happenstance by touchingGrace
Healing Sounds of Tibet by Anjey Satori
Hellwaste by Mystified
Hellwaste Revisited by Mystified
Hidden Sky by Jami Sieber
Himlens polska by Erik Ask-Upmark
Holburns Passion by Anthony Holborne; Jacob Heringman
Holburns Passion by Anthony Holborne; Jacob Heringman
Holiday Frost by Cari Live
Horizons by Heavy Mellow
Human by Falling You
Human by Falling You
Humid Genie by transient
I Don't Know What I'm Doing by Brad Sucks
I Remain by The Glimmer Room
I'll Be Here Awake by Arthur Yoria
ILL-Emental by Soundami
Iman by Solace
Immortal by Human Response
In a Cosmic Daze by Cari Live
In Kananga by The Headroom Project
In Spite of It All by SoulPrint
Infiniti by Junoon
Influenza Italiana by Ensemble Mirable
Inner by Curl
Inside Your Dreams by DJ Markitos
Italian Music of the 17th Century by Altri Stromenti
J. S. Bach French Suites by Johann Sebastian Bach; Katherine Roberts Perl
J.S. Bach on 8 String Guitar, Volume 1 by Johann Sebastian Bach; Daniel Estrem
Jetuton Andawai by The Headroom Project
Journey to Other Worlds by Anjey Satori
Kaleidoscope by Indidginus
Karma Dogs by William Brooks
Karooshi Porn by Björn Fogelberg
Karooshi Porn by Björn Fogelberg
Kingdom Crumble by Justin Bianco
Kora by Kato Kahra
Kotiin haltiakansan luo by Aavepyörä
Kyotaku Live by Tilopa
La Cetra Galante by Doc Rossi
La Vie Chill by Four Stones
Land and Water by Philipp Weigl
Last of the Pleasure Seekers by Rocket City Riot
Le souvenir de vous me tue by Asteria
Lemuria by TranceVision
Lenten Is Come by Briddes Roune
Let It Turn by Barks and Crock
License Placeholder by MusicBrainz Test Artist
Lightfields by Adam Fielding
Lines Build Walls by Ehren Starks
Live at the Bliss Gardens by Kourosh Dini
Lombrices de colores by Daniel Works
Long Ride Home by John Williams
Lost and Found and Lost by The Seldon Plan
Love by Paul Avgerinos
Lucidity by Beth Quist
Lush Mechanique by Jami Sieber
LVX Nova by LVX Nova
LVX Nova by LVX Nova
Magic Midsummer by Liquid Zen
Magnatune at the CC Salon (Magnatune Compilation) by Various Artists
Masterpieces of the Ukrainian Choral Baroque by Kyiv Chamber Choir
Maya: The Great Katun by Paul Avgerinos
Meditative Guitar by Jeff Wahl
Messy's Pace by General Fuzz
Messy's Pace by General Fuzz
Miles Beyond by Suzanne Teng & Mystic Journey featuring Gilbert Levy
Mindreader by Cari Live
Mistral by Shira Kammen
Mixter One by Lisa DeBenedictis
Modern Interiors by The West Exit
Moments by Tatiana Kochkareva
Moments musicaux by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Moritz Moszkowski; Elizabeth Wolff
Moments of Clarity by Joram
Moon Moth Mixes by Solace
Mozart in the Age of Enlightenment by Juliane Reichardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Rust, Georg Benda, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Seth Carlin
Mozart Sonatas feat. Daniel-Ben Pienaar, Volume 3: Four Sonatas, K330-K333 - 1783 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart Sonatas feat. Daniel-Ben Pienaar, Volume 4: Fantasy K475, Sonata K457, and Sonata K533 and K494: 1784-1788 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart Sonatas, Volume 5: Three Last Sonatas (K545, K570, K576 - 1788-1789) by Mozart; Daniel-Ben Pienaar
Muse of the Round Sky by Paul Avgerinos
Music for Meditation by Various Artists
Music for Meditation by Various Artists
Music for Unmade Movies - Volume I by Blind Divine
Music of Waters by Shira Kammen
Musical Incense: Hang and Guitar Duets, Volume 1 by Laura Inserra and Darren Gibbs
Musical Incense: Hang and Guitar Duets, Volume 2 by Laura Inserra and Darren Gibbs
Musicalische Exequien by Heinrich Schütz; American Bach Soloists
Mutandina by Mutandina
Mystic Journey by Suzanne Teng
Nagari by Solace
Nagari by Solace
Narcotic Basement by Mystified
Near You Always by Sterling
Nectar by Kitka
Nevada Winds by Jerry Palmer
New Age and Jazz (Magnatune Compilation) by Various Artists
New Memories by Domased
New Moon by Beth Quist
Night of the Black Wyvern by Utopia Banished
Night of the Black Wyvern by Utopia Banished
Nocturne by The West Exit
Nocturnum by Justin Bianco
Nothing Left to Believe by Immune
Nour by Shiva in Exile
Nour by Shiva in Exile
Now We Are Six by The Glimmer Room
Now We Rise by Damsel Down
Nowhere's Home by Kalotone
Oasis by Ensemble Al Asdeka
Obsidian Smoke Rings by UnKindness Of Ravens
Occult by Opened Paradise
Occult by Opened Paradise
Of the Lovely by Arthur Yoria
Oh Yes by Ben Rusch
Ohio Sessions, April to June by The Town Monster
Ohio Sessions, January to March by The Town Monster
On Surfari Sessions, Volume 1 by Chad Farran
Only a Tronic Selection by Ambient Teknology
Only the Missile by Robin Grey
Open Window by Robert Rich
Open Window by Robert Rich
Opium Head by Solace
Optimism in E Minor by Broken Poets
Orbits by Artemis
Oscilloscope by Liquid Zen
Out of the Blue by Tilopa
Overnight Low by Dammerson Vaughan
Paradox by Sterling
Passage by Middle-Earth Ensemble
Passion, Pestilence and Polyphony by Misericordia
Pastourelle: The Art of Machaut and the Trouvères by Fortune's Wheel
Peaceful Planet by Kourosh Zolani
Phantoms by Hans Christian
Phoenix by Ambient Teknology
Phoenix by Justin Bianco
Phonocake 03 by Roci Hinosch
Phos Hilaron by Paul Avgerinos
Piano and Cello Works by Beethoven; Eric Zivian, Tanya Tomkins
Pictures of Silence by Tilopa
Poetry of the Unnamed by Rildrim
Potemkin Villages by c.layne
Power Synths by DJ Cary
Praise the Lord: Sacred Music of the Late 19th and the Early 20th Century by Kyiv Chamber Choir
Praise the Lord: Sacred Music of the Late 19th and the Early 20th Century by Kyiv Chamber Choir
Prospects by Chris Juergensen
Public Service Announcement by The Proper Authorities
Qadim by Tim Rayborn
Ragged, Rent and Torn by Shira Kammen
Rameau and Couperin: Dances and Suites by Jean-Philippe Rameau, François Couperin; American Baroque
Ramifications by Seismic Anamoly
Reconnection by Ammonite
Red-shifted Harmonies by DAC Crowell
Reincarnation by Broken Poets
Relax With Forest (Magnatune Release) by Anjey Satori
Relaxation Spa (Magnatune Compilation) by Various Artists
Relaxing Classical by Various Artists
Remember by Ishwish
ReStrung by Reza Manzoori
Return Back by Domased
Reunion by allMeadow and Rob Costlow
Revolution by House of Waters
Reza Nation by Reza Manzoori
Rhythm of the Dance by Solace
Ridin' the Faders 2 by Various Artists
Rihla by Tim Rayborn
Rising Above by Cari Live
Romantic Dinner Classical Compilation (Magnatune Compilation) by Various Artists
Romantic: Powerful Miniatures by Schumann and Brahms by Ivan Ilić
Romeo & Juliet by S.J. Petterson
Rumi Symphony by Hans Christian
Rumi Symphony (Instrumental) by Hans Christian
Samadhi by Christopher of the Wolves
Sancta Camisia by Hans Christian
Sartinal by Ivilion
Satya by Solace
Seasons by Eternal Jazz Project
Seasons by Damsel Down
Second Sight by Jami Sieber
Selection by Domased
Sequences of Life by DJ Markitos
Set Future by Stephen Schweyen
Seventythree by Liquid Zen
Sferica by DAC Crowell
Shall We Dance by Beth Quist
Shark Week by c.layne
ShaWaza by Solace
Sideways by mr Epic
Silent Footsteps by Robin Grey
Silently Moving by Philipp Weigl
Silver by Beth Quist
Simone Molinaro: Intavolatura di Liuto Libro Primo 1599 by Paul Beier
Singles by Thirty Day Notice
Siren by Justin Bianco
Six Cello Sonatas by Jean Zewalt Triemer; Ensemble Mirable
Sky of Grace by Paul Avgerinos
Skywatchers by Mystified
Slowdown by Domased
Slower Emotions (138 BPM Remixes) by DJ Markitos
Soliloquies by J S Bach; Gonzalo X. Ruiz
Sonate & Partite per violino solo eseguite sul violoncello by Johann Sebastian Bach; Vito Paternoster
Songs and Dance Music of Europe East and West by Panacea
Sonic Chill by DJ Cary
Sonic Graffiti by Ben Rusch
Soul Retriever by Blind Divine
Soulful Filling by General Fuzz
Sounds for Meditation by Anjey Satori
Sounds of Chakras by Anjey Satori
Soundtrack Without Movie by Ustoz
Spaceflight by Sterling
SPCTR by DAC Crowell
Spectral Navigator by Ray Carl Daye
Spheres by Christopher of the Wolves
Spheric by Mystified
Star of the Sea by Stellamara
State of Affairs by Map King
Step Off by Stargarden
Sterling by Sterling
Strangers With Shoes by Robin Grey
Streaks and Strokes by Falik
Surfacing by Roots of Rebellion
Surrender by Hans Christian
Survival by Human Response
Sweet Rock Candy by Seismic Anamoly
Switch On by allMeadow and Rob Costlow
Tektonik Illusion by Kenji Williams
Telemann Trio Berlin by Telemann Trio Berlin
Terean by Ivilion
The 2006 Magnatune / South by Southwest Sampler by Various Artists
The Airs of Wales by Cheryl Ann Fulton
The All Seeing Eye Project by Ambient Teknology
The Almanac by Shira Kammen
The Art of Analog Diversion by Stargarden
The Art of Persuasion by Various Artists
The Ballad of El Efe by Falik
The Black Dragon by Cançonièr
The Castle of the Holly King by Shira Kammen
The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Jackal + Wolf
The Christmas Album by AlmaNova
The Collective Now by The Seldon Plan
The Concerto Album by Johann Sebastian Bach; Lara St. John, New York Bach Ensemble
The Concerto Album by Johann Sebastian Bach; Lara St. John, New York Bach Ensemble
The Depths of a Year by Ehren Starks
The Devils Toxin - Atek Rebirth, Volume 1 by Ambient Teknology
The Diplomat by Machines in Transit
The Disk Platter Spins by Industrial Sound Bank
The Emblems of These Distracted Times by Kalabi
The First Words by Hybris
The Four Seasons / The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires by Vivaldi, Piazzolla; Lara St. John, The Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra, Eduardo Marturet
The Gates of Dawn by Ishwish
The Gathering Season by Solace
The Hymns of the Ancient Church by Three Holies Church Choristers
The Ice Castle by Kirsty Hawkshaw
The Importance of Closing Your Eyes by Kaminari Synthesis
The Journey by Dejan Ilijić
The Kirghiz Light by Rapoon
The Kirghiz Light by Rapoon
The Longing by Felixdroid
The Looking Glass by Roots of Rebellion
The Lost Mode by The Lost Mode
The Love Tapes by Symphonic Stereo
The Mechanisms of Starlight by DAC Crowell
The Medusa Crown by Solace
The Nearest Door by Robin Grey
The Once & Future Harp by Cheryl Ann Fulton
The Path Beyond by Tim Rayborn
The Sea and the Sky by DAC Crowell
The Seventh Mirror by Mandrake Root
The Siena Manuscript on Renaissance Lute by Paul Berget
The Sun Will Come Out to Blind You by c.layne
The True Harvest by Hands Upon Black Earth
The Truth of All Love by Ben Rusch
The Ugly Army by Fresh Body Shop
The Vine by Kitka
The Virginalists by JungHae Kim
The Vision of Enoch by Sulis
The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I by Bach; Daniel-Ben Pienaar
The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II by Bach; Daniel-Ben Pienaar
Tigers by Lisa DeBenedictis
Touch by Falling You
Touch by Falling You
Traditional Worship Singing of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra by Kiev Seminary Choir
Trances/Drones by Robert Rich
Transcriptions of Italian Music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Transfado by Anamar
Translucent by Hands Upon Black Earth
Turkishauch by Tilopa
Two Bridges Crossing by Osamu Kitajima & Chris Mancinelli
Uccellini by Altri Stromenti
Ultimate Station by Curl
Un by MonkeyTrial
Unauthorized Modifications by Ostracon
Undefended Heart by Hans Christian
Underworld by Nightfall Project
Undone by Artemis
Unreachable Destiny by DJ Markitos
Unspoken by Jami Sieber
Unspoken: The Music of Only Breath by Jami Sieber
Unspoken: The Music of Only Breath by Jami Sieber
Vadalna by Solace
Vega by Sterling
Veils of Light by Tim Rayborn
Venice Before Vivaldi: A Portrait of Giovanni Legrenzi by Giovanni Legrenzi; El Mundo, Richard Savino, Rob Diggins, Ruth Escher, Jennifer Lane
Vernal Crossing by Rapoon
VI by c.layne
Vibrant by Cargo Cult
Vihuela Duets of Valderrabano by Duo Chambure
Voyages by Logic Gate
Waiting for Dawn by Memories of Tomorrow
We Can't Stop Progress by Dr Kuch
Weather the Storm by Block Scholars
Well Tempered Clavier Book 2 Flat Keys, Volume 1 by Johann Sebastian Bach; Katherine Roberts Perl
Well Tempered Clavier Book 2 Sharp Keys, Volume 1 by Johann Sebastian Bach; Katherine Roberts Perl
Well Tempered Clavier Book 2 Sharp Keys, Volume 2 (Katherine Roberts Perl, harpsichord) by Johann Sebastian Bach
Why we need Night by The Union Trade
Wild Wood by Kammen & Swan
Winter Moon by Rhonda Lorence
Wintersongs by Kitka
Words Touch by Paul Avgerinos
Works For Harpsichord by J. S. Bach; Janine Johnson
World Fusion (Magnatune Compilation) by Various Artists
World's Bliss: Medieval Songs of Love and Death by John Fleagle
Worldspirit by Kenji Williams + Alex Grey
Zirkus - Step Inside: Piano Music of Robert Schumann by Robert Schumann; Cary Chow