
lyricist and composer:Peter Perrett
SecondHandSongs: [info]


1989-04-18Another Girl, Another Planet (live, 1989-04-18: Beacham Theatre, Orlando, FL, USA)cover and liveThe Replacements2:42
1989-06-02Another Girl, Another Planet (live)cover and liveThe Replacements2:39
1991-07-04Another Girl, Another Planet (live, 1991-07-04: Petrillo Bandshell, Chicago, IL, USA)cover and liveThe Replacements?:??
1994Another Girl Another Planet (live, 1994: The Mean Fiddler, Harlesden, Brent, London, England, United Kingdom)livePeter Perrett?:??
1994Another Girl Another Planet (live, 1994: The Mean Fiddler, Harlesden, Brent, London, England, United Kingdom)livePeter Perrett3:20
2004-04-14Another Girl, Another Planet (live, 2004-04-14: Rhythm Factory, London, UK)cover and liveThe Libertines feat. Peter Perrett4:02
2015Another Girl Another PlanetBilly Brown3:10
Another Girl Another PlanetcoverThe Fallen Stars3:01
Another Girl Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:01
Another Girl Another Planetcoverblink‐1822:42
Another Girl Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:23
Another Girl Another PlanetcoverShock and Awe?:??
Another Girl Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:01
Another Girl Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:00
Another Girl Another Planet (live)liveThe Only Ones2:59
Another Girl Another PlanetcoverThe Lightning Seeds2:32
another girl, another planetcoverfree cake for every creature2:57
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:03
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:00
Another Girl, Another PlanetcoverThe Mighty Lemon Drops2:43
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:01
Another Girl, Another PlanetcoverThe Mighty Lemon Drops?:??
Another Girl, Another PlanetcoverThe Mighty Lemon Drops?:??
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and liveThe Replacements2:35
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and liveThe Replacements2:36
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and liveThe Replacements2:43
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and liveThe Replacements2:41
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and liveThe Replacements4:39
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and instrumentalThe London Punkharmonic Orchestra3:47
Another Girl, Another PlanetBeatsteaks2:07
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones2:50
Another Girl, Another PlanetcoverThe Mighty Lemon Drops2:43
Another Girl, Another PlanetcoverThe Mighty Lemon Drops2:44
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and instrumentalThe London Punkharmonic Orchestra3:42
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:02
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones3:02
Another Girl, Another Planet (Peel Session)liveThe Only Ones2:56
Another Girl, Another Planetcover and liveThe Replacements2:32
Another Girl, Another PlanetliveThe Replacements?:??
Another Girl, Another Planet (live)liveThe Replacements?:??
Another Girl, Another PlanetThe Only Ones?:??
Another Girl, Another Planet (live at University of Wisconsin‐Milwaukee, WI, 6/2/1989)cover and liveThe Replacements3:07
Another Girl, Another Planet (Only Ones)liveThe Replacements?:??
Another Girl, Another Planet (Only Ones)liveThe Replacements?:??
Let It Go on Another PlanetcoverThe Wimmins' Institute?:??