
composer:Mike Oldfield
Wikidata:Q64456503 [info]
later versions:Mike Oldfield's Single (Theme from Mike Oldfield's album 'Tubular Bells')
The Orchestral Tubular Bells, Part 2
parts:The Sailor’s Hornpipe (traditional hornpipe melody)
1. Harmonics (Tubular Bells)
2. Peace (Tubular Bells)
3. Bagpipe Guitars (Tubular Bells)
4. Caveman (Tubular Bells)
5. Ambient Guitars (Tubular Bells)
6. Sailor’s Hornpipe (Mike Oldfield arr.)


1972-11 – 1973-04Tubular Bells, Part TwoMike Oldfield23:20
1980-05-28Tubular Bells, Part Two (live, 1980-05-28: Wembley Arena, London, UK)liveMike Oldfield8:57
1980-12-20Tubular Bells (Part Two) (Excerpt) (live, 1980-12-20: Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, Germany)live and partialMike Oldfield?:??
1981-04-02Tubular Bells - Part II (live, 1981-04-02: Eilenriedehalle, Hanover, Germany)liveMike Oldfield7:19
1981-04-02Tubular Bells Part II (live, 1981-04-02: Eilenriedehalle, Hanover, Germany)liveMike Oldfield6:56
1984-09-08Tubular Bells - Part II (live, 1984-09-08: Teatro Tenda Bussoladomani, Lido di Camaiore, Italy)liveMike Oldfield7:00
Caveman (1971 original demo)instrumental and partialMike Oldfield5:06
Caveman Lead-In (1971 original demo)partialMike Oldfield2:44
Peace Demo A (1971 original demo)partialMike Oldfield7:01
Peace Demo B (1971 original demo)partialMike Oldfield4:16
Sailor’s HornpipepartialMike Oldfield1:34
Sailors Horn Pipe (Crown Records studio group cover)coverCrown Star Records studio musicians22:46
Tubular BellsMike Oldfield44:37
Tubular Bells Part TwocoverStudio 9923:38
Tubular Bells, Part 2Duo Sonare22:08
Tubular Bells, Part 2live and partialMike Oldfield11:09
Tubular Bells, Part 2Mike Oldfield9:16
Tubular Bells, Part 2coverMark Jenkins21:39
Tubular Bells, Part 2coverThe Orchard Chamber Orchestra17:10
Tubular Bells, Part 2 (Artist mix)coverTubular World23:34
Tubular Bells, Part 2 (Tom Newman mix)coverTubular World23:34
Tubular Bells, Part Two (2009 stereo mix)Mike Oldfield23:17
Tubular Bells, Part Two (25th Anniversary remaster)Mike Oldfield23:20
Tubular Bells, Part Two (2009 5.1 surround sound mix)Mike Oldfield23:15
Tubular Bells, Part Two (Boxed quad remix)Mike Oldfield25:45
Tubular Bells, Part Two (HDCD remaster)Mike Oldfield23:20
Tubular Bells, Part Two (4.0 mix)Mike Oldfield25:55