Edi Beo Thu, Hevene Quene (13th c. Middle English song in praise of the Virgin Mary)

~ Work


composer:[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
other databases:https://mainlynorfolk.info/shirley.collins/songs/edibeothuhevenequene.html [info]
download score for free:http://cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Edi_beo_thu_hevene_quene_(Anonymous) [info]
Wikidata:Q25692206 [info]


1987-06-23 – 1987-06-25Edi Be Thu, Heven-QueenëSequentia2:35
1992-03Edi beo thu, hevene queneLa Reverdie3:20
1993-07-09 – 1993-07-11Edi Beo Thu Hevene QueneChoir of Trinity College, Richard Marlow0:50
1994-11-27 – 1994-11-30Edi be thu, Heven-QueeneEnsemble Unicorn4:09
1995-02-16 – 1995-02-18Edi beo thu hevene-queeneThe Dufay Collective4:24
1996Edi beo thu, heven queneAngelo Branduardi2:42
Edi be thuMartin Best Mediaeval Ensemble2:09
Edi be thuSerendipity, The Monks & Novices of Saint Frideswide & The Oxford Girls’ Choir1:50
Edi be thu hevene quene[anonymous]2:26
Edi Beo ThuPro Cantione Antiqua1:45
Edi beo thu heven queneAnonymous 43:39
Edi beo thu, hevene queneAlison Gascoigne, Camilla Otaki, Richard Marlow0:55
Edi Beo Thu, Hevene QueneChristine Drescher, Richard Jones4:01
Polyphonic song "Edi beo thu hevene quene"Anonymous 43:39