
Re Ordering of the acts: Please be mindful in the choice of the Antonia and Giulietta Actes to which you are adding your arias. The original Offenbach order has "Antonia" as Acte III, and "Giulietta" as Acte IV. This is the favored order to which productions are returning. In the late 20th Century many productions reversed this order, with "Antonia" as Acte IV, and "Giulietta" as Acte III. See subsection at >
Refer also to French Wikipedia >
Acts also follow original Offenbach order in German Wikipedia >
The second complication for this opera is the numbering or Naming of the Acts. Even within an opera version, some will number the Prologue as Acte I, some number only the middle three acts. While MusicBraniz style designates that acts must be numbered, in the case of this opera only 5 designations would be needed if the acts were only named (Prologue-Olympia-Antonia-Giulietta-Epilogue).

Annotation last modified on 2014-12-19 19:13 UTC.


composer:Jacques Offenbach
librettist:Jules Barbier
download score for free:imslp: Les contes d'Hoffmann (Offenbach, Jacques) [info]
Wikidata:Q335012 [info]
later translated versions:Hoffmanns Erzählungen
The Tales of Hoffmann
parts:1. Les Contes d’Hoffmann : Acte I (Prologue) (act)
2. Les Contes d’Hoffmann: Acte II (Olympia)
3. Les Contes d’Hoffmann: Acte III (Antonia) (Offenbach order; critical Oeser edition) (act)
4. Les Contes d’Hoffmann: Acte III (Giulietta) (alternate order)
5. Les Contes d'Hoffmann: Acte IV (Giulietta) (Offenbach order; critical Oeser edition)
6. Les Contes d'Hoffmann: Acte IV (Antonia) (alternate order)
7. Les Contes d’Hoffmann: Acte V (Épilogue) (act)
is the basis for:Fantaisie pour harpe sur des motifs des Contes d’Hoffmann d’Offenbach


1956-05-24The Tales of Hoffmann: Intermezzo (Introduction—Minuet—Barcarolle)partialBoston Pops Orchestra, Arthur Fiedler5:50
Hoffmanni lood: Hoffmanni stroofidpartialEesti Riiklik Sümfooniaorkester, Teater Estonia operikoor, Helmut Orusaar, Heino Otto3:43
Hoffmanns Erzählungen: Intermezzo und Barcarole - InstrumentalpartialBerliner Symphoniker, Wilhelm Schüchter3:26
Les Contes d'HoffmannpartialEmma Luart & Gaston Micheletti3:21
Les Contes d'Hoffmann: 'Can Can'Colorado String Quartet, Ethos Percussion Group, Harold Faberman3:05
Les Contes d’Hoffmannpartial[unknown]3:20
Les Contes d’Hoffmannpartial[unknown]2:48