Over the Hills and Far Away (The Mission)

~ Song


lyricist:Wayne Hussey
composer:Craig Adams (bass player for Sisters of Mercy/The Mission)
Mick Brown (British drummer of the gothic rock band The Mission)
Simon Hinkler
Wayne Hussey


2008-02-27Over the Hills and Far Away (live, 2008-02-27: Shepherds Bush Empire, London, UK)liveThe Mission4:18
Over the Hills and Far AwayThe Mission4:07
Over the Hills and Far Away (live, 1986-11-24: Aylesbury, England, UK)liveThe Mission3:48
Over the Hills and Far AwayliveThe Mission?:??
Over the Hills and Far AwaycoverFunhouse4:03
Over the Hills and Far AwayliveThe Mission4:07
Over the Hills and Far AwayThe Mission3:58