
composer:Johann Sebastian Bach (German Baroque period composer & musician) (in 1744)
part of:Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (number: BWV 893) (order: 960)
part of:The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II (order: 24)
parts:1. The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: Prelude and Fugue no. 24 in B minor, BWV 893: Prelude
2. The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: Prelude and Fugue no. 24 in B minor, BWV 893: Fugue


1933-04-25 – 1936-06-06The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Edwin Fischer4:01
1950-04Book II: Prelude & Fugue XXIV in B minor, BWV 893Walter Gieseking3:14
1952Book 2 - Prelude & Fugue No. 24 In B Minor BWV 893Rosalyn Tureck5:08
1959 – 1961The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Samuil Feinberg3:20
1966-08 – 1971-01Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Glenn Gould3:13
1967Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Gustav Leonhardt4:38
1972-08 – 1973-02The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: Prelude & Fugue XXIV in B minor, BWV 893Sviatoslav Richter3:55
1973-07-28The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893 (1973-07/08: Stift Wilten, Innsbruck, Austria)liveSviatoslav Richter3:37
1973Prelude and Fugue no. 24 in B minorСвятослав Теофилович Рихтер3:56
1973Prelude and Fugue No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Tatyana Nikolaieva4:51
1975The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: Prelude & Fugue No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Louis Thiry5:21
1983-01Praeludium & Fuga (a 3 voci) in h-Moll, BWV 893Kenneth Gilbert5:00
1985-08Prelude & Fugue in B minor, BWV 893András Schiff3:47
1988-04Das wohltemperierte Klavier, II. Teil: Praeludium und Fuge Nr. 24 H-moll, BWV 893Davitt Moroney4:26
1989-05Prelude and Fugue no. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Glen Wilson4:12
1989The Welltempered Clavier, BWV 893: No. 24 in B minorChristiane Jaccottet4:23
1990-05XXIV, H-mollKeith Jarrett4:10
1993-01The Well-tempered Clavier (excerpts): Prelude and fugue in B minor, Book 2 no. 24, BWV 893liveTatiana Nikolaeva5:44
1993-10-13 – 1993-10-16The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II: No. 24 in B minor, BWV 893Jenő Jandó4:26
2000-06Praeludium & Fuga (a 3 voci), BWV 893: h-mollOttavio Dantone4:05
2005Prélude & fugue en si mineur, BWV 893: PréludeAndreï Vieru2:34
2018-06Prelude XXIV in B minor, BWV 893Céline Frisch2:05
Das Wohltemperirte Clavier II: Praeludium et Fuga XXIV in h-moll, BWV 893大塚直哉4:32
Partita no 6 in Em, BWV 830 - ToccataChristiane Jaccottet6:10
Prélude et Fugue in B minor, BWV 893Benjamin Alard11:29