
~ Song


lyricist and composer:Ray Davies (UK singer/songwriter, member of The Kinks)
publisher:Davray Music (publisher)
SecondHandSongs: [info]


1972-01-31Alcohol (The Kinks at the Rainbow, 1972) (live 1972: The Rainbow Theatre)liveThe Kinks6:49
1972-03Alcohol (live, 1972-03: Carnegie Hall, New York City, NY, USA)liveThe Kinks5:12
1974-12-24Alcohol (live at the Rainbow Theatre, Finsbury Park, London, 24/12/74)liveThe Kinks?:??
1977-12-24Alcohol (The Kinksʼ Christmas Concert, 1977)liveThe Kinks5:31
1977-12-24Alcohol (The Kinksʼ Christmas Concert, 1977) (live 1977: The Kinks Christmas Concert)liveThe Kinks5:35
AlcoholThe Kinks5:12
AlcoholcoverMonti Beton?:??
AlcoholcoverThe Murder City Devils3:26
AlcoholcoverPuerto Muerto4:22
AlcoholliveThe Kinks3:52
AlcoholliveThe Kinks5:21
AlcoholcoverMonti Beton feat. Willi Resetarits3:23
Alcohol (live, 1977)liveThe Kinks5:25
AlcoholliveThe Kinks6:45
AlcoholThe Kinks3:35
Alcohol (live at Carnegie Hall)liveThe Kinks6:39
Alcohol (live, 1972‐07‐21: The Rainbow, BBC TV)liveThe Kinks6:49
Alcohol (live)liveThe Kinks5:16
Alcohol (live)liveThe Kinks6:39
Alcohol (live)The Kinks5:14
Alcohol (live)liveThe Kinks5:16