
writer:Thelonious Monk


1967-12-21Boo Boo's Birthday (take 2)Thelonious Monk5:36
1967-12-21Boo Boo’s BirthdayThelonious Monk5:56
1985-11-16Boo Boo’s Birthdaycover and liveJoe Henderson7:20
1985-11-16Boo Boo’s BirthdayliveJoe Henderson7:20
1988-05Boo Boo's BirthdayKenny Drew Jr.4:18
1995-02Boo Boo’s BirthdaycoverSteve Million7:30
1998-11-28 – 1998-11-29Boo Boo's BirthdaycoverPaul Motian and the Electric Bebop Band4:18
2018-05-23Boo Boo’s BirthdayFrank Kimbrough, Scott Robinson, Rufus Reid, Billy Drummond5:12
Boo Boo's BirthdaycoverASA Trio?:??
Boo Boo's BirthdaycoverAndy Summers3:19
Boo Boo's BirthdaycoverÉvidence?:??
Boo Boo's BirthdaycoverThe Fred Hersch Trio4:11
Boo Boo's BirthdayThe Matt Wilson Quartet5:37
Boo Boo's BirthdayTony Kofi Quartet7:25
Boo Boo’s BirthdaycoverMiles Okazaki2:25
Boo Boo’s BirthdaycoverAlexander von Schlippenbach4:32